Page 97 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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                                                                                          Highlight 2020

                                                     TINJAUAN KEUANGAN
                                                       FINANCIAL REVIEW

            Perbandingan Antara Target  Anggaran 2019
            dengan Realisasi 2019, dan Proyeksi 2020
            Comparison of 2019 Budget Target and 2019 Realization, and 2020 Projection

            Pada setiap awal tahun buku, Perusahaan menetapkan target   At the beginning of financal year, the Company determined target
            yang hendak dicapai pada tahun buku, khususnya untuk kinerja   that will be achieved in the fiscal year, especially for the main
            operasional  dan  finansial  utama.  Namun  demikian,  dalam   operational and financial performance. However, in its journey,
            perjalannya Perusahaan melakukan review terhadap target yang   the Company reviews the target established in accordance
            ditetapkan sesuai dengan perkembangan kondisi internal dan   with the development of the Company’s internal and external
            eksternal Perusahaan.                             conditions.

            Ikhtisar pencapaian kinerja Perusahaan pada tahun buku 2020   The Company’s performance achievement highlights in the
            dan target 2021 adalah sebagai berikut :          financial year 2020 and 2021 target are as follows:

                                             2020       Pencapaian               Proyeksi 2021   Proyeksi 2021
                                                         Realisasi                terhadap       terhadap
                                                         terhadap     Proyeksi 2021  Realisasi 2020
                       Uraian                                                                   Target 2020
                     Description        Target  Realiasi  RKAP 2020      2021       2021          2021
                                               Realization  Achievement   Projection  Projection   Projection to
                                                        of Realization             to 2020      2020 Target
                                                        to 2020 CWPB              Realization
             Pendapatan Usaha Bersih     159.230   151.858   95,37%     215.917    42,18%         35,60%
             Net Operating Revenues                                                                      
             Laba (Rugi) Bersih
             Net Income (Loss)           (75.968)  (226.446)  298,08%    24.082   110,63%       131,70%  
             Total Aset Total Assets     990.643   702.013   70,86%    944.110    34,49%        (4,70)%  
             Ekuitas Equity              356.755   195.672   54,85%    309.498    58,17%       (13,25)%  
             Jumlah Nasabah Baru Ritel (unit)  10.000   14.996   149,96%  45.000   200,08%        350%
             Total New Retail Customers (unit)                                                           
             Nilai Perantara Perdagangan Efek
             Saham Harian (Rp miliar)      323      245   75,85%          311      26,94%         (3,72)%
             Daily Stock Brokerage Value                                                                 
             (Rp billion)
               Institusi Institution       199      131   65,83%        158       20,61%       (20,60)%  
               Ritel Retail                124      114   91,94%        153       34,21%        23,39%   
             Nilai Perantara Perdagangan Efek
             Obligasi Harian (Rp miliar)   824      992   120,39%        938       (5,44%)        13,83%
             Daily Bonds Brokerage Value                                                                 
             (Rp billion)
               Obligasi Pemerintah          733     893   121,83%        835       (6,49%)        13,92%
               Government Bonds                                                                          
               Obligasi Korporasi           91       99   108,79%        103       4,04%          13,19%
               Corporate Bonds                                                                           
             Nilai Penjaminan Emisi Efek
             (Rp miliar)                  8.990    7.649   85,08%       31.061    306,08%      245,51%   
             Underwriting Value (Rp billion)
               Ekuitas Equity                0       0      -      -     7.650       -             -      
               Obligasi Bonds             8.990    7.649   85,08%       23.411    206,07%      160,41%   

                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas

              BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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