Page 102 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
P. 102

                     Kinerja 2020


            Pertumbuhan  ekonomi  domestik  Indonesia  mengalami  Domestic economic growth of Indonesia has slowed down during
            perlambatan  selama tahun 2020 akibat pandemi Covid-19.   2020  due  to  the  Covid-19  pandemic.  GDP  growth  in  2020  was
            Pertumbuhan  GDP tahun  2020 tercatat mengalami  kontraksi   recorded to have contracted by 2.07% and was officially declared
            sebesar 2,07% dan dinyatakan secara resmi memasuki fase resesi.   it was entering recession phase. This certainly has impacts on
            Hal tersebut tentunya berdampak pada beberapa lini bisnis   several of BRIDS’s business lines, including brokerage, especially
            BRIDS diantaranya perantara perdagangan efek (brokerage)   for the institutional customer segment, and the postponement
            terutama dari segmen nasabah institusi dan penundaan   of several stock and bond underwriting transactions. In addition
            beberapa  transaksi  penjamin  emisi  efek  (underwriting)  saham   of external factors, BRIDS also faces its own challenges from
            maupun obligasi. Selain faktor eksternal, BRIDS juga menghadapi   internal  factors.  The  implementation  of  large-scale  social
            tantangan tersendiri dari faktor internal. Penerapan kebijakan   restrictions encourages BRIDS to change internal policies in order
            Pembatasan  Sosial  Berskala  Besar  (PSBB)  mendorong  BRIDS   to maintain the quality  of service provided  to customers. Risk
            untuk mengubah kebijakan internal agar dapat mempertahankan   management is also being tightened in an effort to anticipate
            kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan kepada nasabah. Pengetatan   increasing uncertainty in the market. Not only that, the cost
            manajemen risiko juga dilakukan sebagai upaya antisipasi   structure which is considered inefficient forces BRIDS to perform
            meningkatnya ketidakpastian di pasar. Bukan hanya itu,   cost efficiency so that profitability can be maintained. Therefore,
            struktur biaya yang dinilai kurang efisien memaksa BRIDS untuk   BRIDS has carried out several plans and strategies to overcome
            melakukan efisiensi biaya agar profitabilitas dapat terjaga. Oleh   the dynamic changes occurred throughout 2020 as follows:
            karena itu, BRIDS telah melakukan beberapa rencana dan strategi
            untuk mengatasi perubahan dinamika yang terjadi selama tahun
            2020 sebagai berikut:
            1.  Optimalisasi sinergi dengan BRI Group melalui cross-selling   1.   Optimizing synergies with the BRI Group through cross-selling of
               produk pasar modal bagi nasabah korporasi maupun prioritas   capital market products for corporate and priorities customer of
               PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk salah satunya melalui   PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, one of which is through
               pembentukan Divisi Economic Research dan Alternative   the establishment of the Economic Research and Alternative
               Product & Services.                              Products & Services Division.
            2.  Efisiensi  di  back  office dengan mengurangi proses manual   2.   Efficiency in the back office by reducing manual processes in
               dalam kegiatan operasional.                      operational activities.
            3.  Penyesuaian  struktur  organisasi  yang  sesuai  dengan   3.   Adjustment of the organizational structure to meet the needs
               kebutuhan Perusahaan yang akan fokus pada pengembangan   of the Company which will focus on retail market development
               pasar ritel melalui rasionalisasi dan alokasi SDM di beberapa   through rationalization and allocation of human resources in
               divisi strategis.                                several strategic divisions.
            4.  Pengembangan sistem pendukung layanan bisnis diantaranya   4. Development of the support system for business services,
               Sistem  Online Trading Syariah,  Algorithmic Trading pada   including the Sharia Online Trading System, Algorithmic
               trading sistem ECM, Sistem Opening Account Online berbasis   Trading on the ECM trading system, the API-based  Online
               API yang terintegrasi dengan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia   Opening Account System which is integrated with PT Bank
               (Persero) Tbk.                                   Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
            5.  Diversifikasi  dan  eksplorasi  produk  atau  jasa  yang  masih   5.  Diversification  and  exploration  of  products  or  services  that
               memiliki potensi di tengah kondisi saat ini melalui kerjasama   still  have  potential  amid  the  current  conditions  through
               dengan institusi lain seperti kerja sama dengan PT Pegadaian.  cooperation with other institutions, such as cooperation with
                                                                PT Pegadaian.
            6.  Selektif dalam pemilihan transaksi dengan profitabilitas yang   6. Being selective in choosing transactions with attractive
               menarik namun risiko yang relatif masih terkendali.  profitability but relatively manageable risks.
            7.  Intensifikasi  monitoring dan pengawasan kepada nasabah   7.  Intensification  of  monitoring  and  supervision  of  margin
               margin untuk mengendalikan risiko pasar di tengah   customers to control market risk amid increasing.
            8.  Memaksimalkan  media  online dalam setiap kegiatan   8. Maximizing online media in every marketing activity and
               marketing dan strategic meeting.                 strategic meeting.
            9.  Menjaga nilai Modal Kerja Bersih Disesuaikan (MKBD) di level   9.  Maintaining the value of Net Adjusted Working Capital (MKBD)
                                                                at the safe level for the Company in carrying out business
               yang aman bagi Perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatan
      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  10. Penerapan dan penguatan Good Corporate Governance (GCG)   10. Implementation and strengthening of Good Corporate
                                                                Governance (GCG) to support every business activity.
               untuk mendukung setiap kegiatan bisnis.

                                                       BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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