Page 85 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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Highlight 2020
Di tahun 2021, Perusahaan akan berfokus dalam peningkatan In 2021, the Company is going to focus in increasing business
ritel bisnis melalui beberapa strategi seperti pembaharuan ritel retail through several strategies, such as updating the retail
online trading system yang lebih stabil, reliable dan sesuai dengan online trading system that is more stable, reliable and in
kebutuhan nasabah, meningkatkan kapasitas dan kualitas tim accordance with the needs of customer, increasing the retail
ritel untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnis, dan transformasi digital team capacity and quality to support the business activities,
dalam seluruh aspek layanan nasabah dengan memanfaatkan and digital transformation in all aspects of customer services by
platform digital. utilizing digital platforms.
BRIDS tetap akan mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis institusi BRIDS is going to remain encouraging the institution business
melalui peningkatan kerja sama dengan BRI Group atau growth through the increase in cooperation with BRI groups or
institusi lain sebagai strategi dalam melakukan ekspansi bisnis other institutions as the strategy in conducting underwriting and
underwriting maupun advisory, meningkatkan research coverage, advisory business expansion, increasing research coverage, and
dan mulai mengembangkan pasar Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). starting to develop Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) market.
Dari sisi back office, efisiensi proses bisnis masih akan dilakukan From the back office side, business process efficiency is still
melalui integrasi sistem di seluruh aspek, salah satunya going to be carried out through system integration in all aspects,
adalah pengembangan sistem dalam proses monitoring risiko. one of which is the development of system in the risk monitoring
Penguatan jaringan infrastruktur IT juga menjadi salah satu pilar process. Strengthening the IT infrastructure network is also one
untuk menjamin keberlangsungan bisnis Perusahaan di tengah of the pillars to ensure the continuity of the Company’s business
perkembangan teknologi yang pesat saat ini. iamidst current rapid technological developments.
Annual Report 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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