Page 57 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 57

Statement of Responsibility
                        of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
                                    on 2023 Integrated Annual Report
                                         PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas

                We, the undersigned, hereby declare that all information in 2023 Integrated Annual Report of PT BRI Danareksa
               Sekuritas has been fully disclosed and we are solely responsible upon the accuracy of all contents of the Company’s
                                                  Integrated Annual Report.

                                            This statement has been made truthfully.

                                                     Jakarta, 1 April 2024
                                                    Jakarta, April 1 , 2024
                                                     Board of Directors

                                                   Laksono W. Widodo
                                                      Direktur Utama
                                                     President Director

                           Hendra Hermawan                                   Kevin Praharyawan
                    Direktur Investment Banking Advisory            Direktur Investment Banking Capital Market
                Managing Director Investment Banking Advisory  Managing Director Investment Banking Capital Market

                                                   Fifi Virgantria, Bong
                                            Direktur Retail & Information Technology
                                        Managing Director Retail & Information Technology

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  57  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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