Page 258 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 258

Kinerja Keberlanjutan
                                                 Sustainability Performance

                    Nama Program                                       Kegiatan
                    Program Name                                        Activity
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal dengan tema “Bagaimana
             “Bagaimana Strategi Investasi   Strategi Investasi Jangka Panjang yang Jitu untuk Millennials & Gen Z di Saat Market
             Jangka Panjang yang Jitu untuk   Sideways?”, menghadirkan Founder @kokocuanlagi Nelson Nofanta, S. Ak., CSA., CTA
             Millennials & Gen Z di Saat Market   sebagai pembicara.
             Sideways?”                  BRIDS hosted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme "What
             Capital Market Education and   is the Optimal Long-Term Investment Strategy for Millennials & Gen Z During Market
             Literacy: "What is the Optimal   Sideways?" featuring Nelson Nofanta, S. Ak., CSA., CTA, the Founder of @kokocuanlagi, as
             Long-Term Investment Strategy   the speaker.
             for Millennials & Gen Z During
             Market Sideways?"
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal dengan tema “September
             “September Musim Koreksi,   Musim Koreksi, Yuk Kupas Tuntas Strategi Berinvestasi”, menghadirkan Founder
             Yuk Kupas Tuntas Strategi   @theinvestor_id Erose Perwita sebagai pembicara.
             Berinvestasi!”              BRIDS hosted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme
             Capital Market Education and   "September Correction Season:  Unveiling Investing Strategies," featuring Erose Perwita,
             Literacy: "September Correction   the Founder of @theinvestor_id, as the speaker.
             Season: Unveiling Investing
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal dengan tema “Pengelolaan
             Modal: “Pengelolaan Keuangan   Keuangan Millennials & Gen Z”, menghadirkan Olivia Louise, Financial & Investment
             Millennials & Gen Z"        Content Creator sebagai pembicara.
             Capital Market Education and   BRIDS hosted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme "Financial
             Literacy: "Financial Management   Management of Millennials & Gen Z," featuring Olivia Louise, a Financial & Investment
             of Millennials & Gen Z"     Content Creator, as the speaker.
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal dengan tema “Peluang dan
             “Peluang dan Tantangan Pasar   Tantangan Pasar Saham Jelang Tutup Tahun 2023”, menghadirkan Founder
             Saham Jelang Tutup Tahun 2023”  @silenttraderacademy Om Silent sebagai pembicara.
             Capital Market Education and   BRIDS hosted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme
             Literacy: "Opportunities and   "Opportunities and Challenges of the Stock Market Towards the Close of 2023," featuring
             Challenges of the Stock Market   Om Silent, the Founder of @silenttraderacademy, as a speaker.
             Towards the Close of 2023 "
             Inspiraya: “Raih Cuan Investasi   BRIDS bekerja sama dengan Bank Raya mengadakan sesi edukasi secara daring
             Dengan Pengelolaan Keuangan   bertajuk Inspiraya dengan tema “Raih Cuan Investasi Dengan Pengelolaan Keuangan
             yang Benar”                 yang Benar”, menghadirkan Mentor Sahamology Bro Jack sebagai pembicara.
             Inspiraya: "Achieving Investment   BRIDS collaborated with Bank Raya to conduct an online education session titled
             Gains with Proper Financial   Inspiraya, with the theme "Achieving Investment Gains with Proper Financial
             Management"                 Management," featuring Bro Jack, a mentor from Sahamology, as the speaker.
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal dengan tema “Investasi
             “Investasi Saham di Tengah   Saham di Tengah Ketidakpastian Ekonomi Global, Dari Sudut Pandang Kesehatan
             Ketidakpastian Ekonomi Global,   Finansial dan Emosional”, menghadirkan Founder Felix Haridinata, B. BA
             Dari Sudut Pandang Kesehatan   sebagai pembicara.
             Finansial dan Emosional”    BRIDS hosted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme "Stock
             Capital Market Education and   Investment Amid Global Economic Uncertainty, from a Financial and Emotional Health
             Literacy: "Stock Investment Amid   Perspective," featuring Felix Haridinata, B. BA, the Founder of, as the
             Global Economic Uncertainty,   speaker.
             From a Financial and Emotional
             Health Perspective"
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal dengan tema “Potensi
             “Potensi Window Dressing    Window Dressing Memasuki Tahun Politik”, menghadirkan Head of Representative
             Memasuki Tahun Politik”     Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Bali I Gusti Agus Andiyasa sebagai pembicara.
             Capital Market Education and   BRIDS conducted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme
             Literacy: "Window Dressing   "Window Dressing Potential Entering the Political Year," featuring I Gusti Agus Andiyasa,
             Potential Entering the Political   the Head of Representative of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Bali, as the speaker.

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