Page 257 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
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Nama Program                                       Kegiatan
                    Program Name                                        Activity
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar   BRIDS bersama PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) dan PT Danareksa
             Modal: “Edukasi Pentingnya   Investment Management (DIM) mengajak 1600 Praja Utama Angkatan XXX Institut
             Investasi Untuk Mempersiapkan   Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN) untuk mulai berinvestasi dan mempersiapkan
             Masa Depan Bagi Praja Utama   masa depan melalui pemahaman literasi dan inklusi di acara yang bertajuk “Edukasi
             Angkatan XXX Institut IPDN”  Pentingnya Investasi Untuk Mempersiapkan Masa Depan Bagi Praja Utama Angkatan
             Capital Market Education and   XXX Institut IPDN” yang berlokasi di Kampus IPDN, Bandung.
             Literacy: "Education on the   BRIDS, in collaboration with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) and PT
             Importance of Investment to   Danareksa Investment Management (DIM), invited 1600 Praja Utama Batch XXX
             Prepare the Future for Praja   Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN) to initiate investments and prepare for
             Utama Batch XXX IPDN Institute"  the future by promoting literacy and inclusion. This event, titled "Education on the
                                         Importance of Investment to Prepare the Future for Praja Utama Batch XXX  IPDN
                                         Institute," took place at the IPDN Campus in Bandung.
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar   BRIDS bersama dengan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Bursa Efek Indonesia
             Modal: “Sosialisasi Perempuan   (BEI) menggelar kegiatan Sosialisasi & Edukasi Pasar Modal dengan tema “Sosialisasi
             Bali Cerdas Berinvestasi di Pasar   Perempuan Bali Cerdas Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal” yang dihadiri oleh 200 ibu-ibu
             Modal”                      perwakilan dari Tim Penggerak Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Kelurahan
             Capital Market Education and   (TP PKK) se-provinsi Bali, dengan tujuan untuk mengedukasi perempuan Bali agar mulai
             Literacy: "Socialization of Balinese   menyadari pentingnya berinvestasi di pasar modal.
             Women Smart Investing in Capital   BRIDS, alongside the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Indonesia Stock
             Market"                     Exchange (IDX), organized a Capital Market Socialization & Education activity with the
                                         theme "Socialization of Balinese Women Smart Investing in the Capital Market." This
                                         event was attended by 200 women representing the Family Welfare Empowerment
                                         Movement Team (TP PKK) across Bali province. The objective was to educate Balinese
                                         women about the importance of investing in the capital market.
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS menjalin kolaborasi strategis dengan BRILink Business Division BRI dalam
             Gathering Agen BRILink Mentor   mengadakan kegiatan sosialisasi dan literasi pasar modal kepada 50 Agen BRILink
             Tahun 2023: “Bersama Kita Bisa”   Mentor dari beberapa kota di Jawa Tengah, berlokasi di Tegal dan Semarang.
             Capital Market Education and   BRIDS established a strategic collaboration with BRI's BRILink Business Division to
             Literacy: BRILink Agent Mentor   conduct capital market socialization and literacy activities for 50 BRILink Mentor Agents
             Gathering 2023: "Together We Can"  from various cities in Central Java, including Tegal and Semarang.
             Investalk: “Membaca Kinerja &   BRIDS menyelenggarakan series Investalk menghadirkan Direktur Utama PT Bank
             Strategi BRI Dalam Berkontribusi   Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI) Sunarso untuk membahas tuntas seputar
             Bagi Negeri”                kinerja dan strategi BBRI.
             Investalk: "Reading BRI's   BRIDS hosted an Investalk series featuring Mr. Sunarso, the President Director of
             Performance & Strategies in   PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI), to thoroughly discuss BBRI's
             Contributing to the Country"  performance and strategies.
             Edukasi dan Literasi Pasar Modal:   BRIDS mengadakan sesi edukasi dan literasi pasar modal secara dengan tema “Cara
             “Cara Pilih Saham untuk Pemula:   Pilih Saham untuk Pemula: “Stock Pick Buat Trader Newbie” menghadirkan Founder
             Stock Pick Buat Trader Newbie”  Sahamology Luqman El Hakiem.
             Capital Market Education and   BRIDS hosted a capital market education and literacy session with the theme "How
             Literacy: "How to Pick Stocks for   to Pick Stocks for Beginners: Stock Pick for Newbie Traders," presented by Luqman El
             Beginners: Stock Pick for Newbie   Hakiem, the Founder of Sahamology.
             Inspiraya: “Usaha Maju dengan   BRIDS bekerja sama dengan Bank Raya mengadakan sesi edukasi secara daring
             Pengelolaan Keuangan dan    bertajuk Inspiraya dengan tema “Usaha Maju dengan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan
             Investasi yang Tepat        Investasi yang Tepat”.
             Inspiraya: "Advanced Business   BRIDS collaborated with Bank Raya to conduct an online education session titled
             with Proper Financial       Inspiraya with the theme "Advanced Business with Proper Financial Management and
             Management and Investment   Investment."
             Live Merdeka Finansial:     BRIDSberkolaborasi dengan Sahamology mengadakan sesi edukasi secara daring
             “Semangat Juang dalam Meraih   berjudul Live Merdeka Finansial dengan tema “Semangat Juang dalam Meraih
             Kemerdekaan Finansial”      Kemerdekaan Finansial”, menghadirkan Direktur Retail & IT BRIDS Fifi Virgantria dan
             Live Merdeka Finansial: "Fighting   Founder Sahamology Luqman El Hakiem sebagai pembicara.
             Spirit in Achieving Financial   BRIDS collaborated with Sahamology to host an online education session titled Live
             Independence"               Merdeka Finansial with the theme "Fighting Spirit in Achieving Financial Independence",
                                         featuring Fifi Virgantria, BRIDS Managing Director Retail & IT, and Luqman El Hakiem,
                                         the Founder of Sahamology, as the speakers.

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