Page 225 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 225

Rencana                                                 Realisasi
                 Waktu       Rencana                      Indikator      Waktu
               Pelaksanaan    Aktivitas  Tujuan Aktivitas   Pencapaian   Pelaksanaan       Pencapaian
             Implementation   Activity Plan  Activity Purpose  Achievement   Implementation   Achievement
                Time Plan                                 Indicator  Time Realization
             January -     Social and   Form of concern   A minimum   January -    The implementation of social and
             December 2023  environmental   and actively   of 80% of all   December 2023  environmental assistance activities
                           assistance   participates   programs and                achieved a realization rate of 86%,
                                        in social and   budgets are                including:
                                        environmental   realized.                  - The Sharing Happiness Program
                                        support.                                    with BRI Group was an initiative
                                                                                    aimed at distributing basic food
                                                                                    packages to communities in
                                                                                    various cities across Indonesia,
                                                                                    synergized with all companies
                                                                                    within the BRI Group, involving
                                                                                    the distribution of 400 food
                                                                                    packages to people in need.
                                                                                   - BRI Care - Waste Management
                                                                                    Journey was a waste
                                                                                    management initiative carried
                                                                                    out in collaboration with the BRI
                                                                                    Group, with the goal of achieving
                                                                                    Zero Waste to Landfill.
                                                                                   - BRIDS Care - Care for the
                                                                                    Environment involved tree
                                                                                    planting activities as part of
                                                                                    the Company's environmental
                                                                                    responsibility. This included
                                                                                    planting 500 mangrove trees and
                                                                                    releasing birds into the wild.
                                                                                   - BRIDS Care – Donation for Al
                                                                                    Futuwwah Cipete Orphanage.
                                                                                   - BRIDS Care - Blood Donation
                                                                                    for BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
                                                                                   - BRIDS Care - Awarded
                                                                                    scholarships to 15 outstanding
                                                                                    Public University (PTN) students
                                                                                    in collaboration with the
                                                                                    Karya Salemba Empat (KSE)

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  225  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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