Page 223 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 223

Rencana                                                 Realisasi
                 Waktu       Rencana                      Indikator      Waktu
               Pelaksanaan    Aktivitas  Tujuan Aktivitas   Pencapaian   Pelaksanaan       Pencapaian
             Implementation   Activity Plan  Activity Purpose  Achievement   Implementation   Achievement
                Time Plan                                 Indicator  Time Realization
             March -       Resources    The            Implementing   2023         The development of e-signing was
             December 2023  Management  implementation   paperless                 completed in 2023, resulting in
                                        of sustainable   initiatives, energy       an average saving in paper usage
                                        finance principles   saving, water         from 2.3 to 2.0 per person.
                                        in relation to   conservation,
                                        environmental   transportation             There was a reduction in electricity
                                        aspects        and waste                   usage from 3.93 to 3.45 gigajoules
                                                       management                  per person, reflecting a 12%
                                                                                   decrease compared to 2022.
                                                                                   Waste management was
                                                                                   conducted by BRIDS in
                                                                                   collaboration with the building
                                                                                   manager; however, related waste
                                                                                   management data could not be
                                                                                   submitted yet as the data was not
             Juli – Desember   Self assessment   Menjalankan   Tata kelola telah   Januari – Juni   Terdapat peningkatan skor di
             2023          atas penerapan   GCG atas self-  diimplementasi-  2023  semester I 2023 dibandingkan
             July - December   keuangan   assessment   kan dengan baik  January – June   dengan periode  sebelumnya
             2023          berkelanjutan   dengan indikator   Governance is   2023  -  Semester 2/2022 : 92.955
                           terkait aspek   tatakelola yang   well implemented      -  Semester 1/2023 : 96.380
                           ekonomi, sosial   telah ditetapkan                      There was an increase in scores
                           dan lingkungan   Conduct self-                          during the first half of 2023
                           hidup        assessment                                 compared to the previous period:
                           Self-assessment   of GCG using                          - 2  Semester/2022: 92.955
                           of the imple-  established                              - 1  Semester/2023: 96.380
                           mentation of   governance
                           sustainable   indicators
                           finance related
                           to economic,
                           social, and
             Oktober –     Uraian       Penyesuaian    Review kebijakan   November 2023   KD : Rencana Aksi Keuangan
             Desember 2023   tugas atas   kebijakan RAKB   tersedia   November 2023  Berkelanjutan PT BRI Danareksa
             October -     pelaksanaan   BRI Group     Review of                   Sekuritas KD.06/BRIDS/11/2022
             December 2023  penanggung   SFAP policy   available policies          Board of Directors Decree: PT BRI
                           jawab keuangan   adjustment of BRI                      Danareksa Sekuritas Sustainable
                           berkelanjutan   Group                                   Finance Action Plan KD.06/
                           pada tahun                                              BRIDS/11/2022
                           Outline the
                           of the person
                           in charge with
                           finance for the
                           current year

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  223  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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