Page 174 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 174

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
                                             Corporate Governance

            Transparansi Informasi Terkait

            Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
            Information Transparency Related to the Board of Commissioners
            and Board of Directors

            Keberagaman Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
            Diversity of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

            Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang   All present members of the Board of Commissioners
            menjabat pada saat ini adalah Warga Negara Indonesia   and Board of Directors are Indonesian Citizens (WNI)
            (WNI), dengan beragam latar belakang usia, pendidikan,   with diverse backgrounds in terms of age, education,
            keahlian dan kompetensi serta pengalaman kerja. Per   expertise, competence, and professional experience.
            31 Desember 2023, komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris   As of December 31 , 2023, the Company's Board of
            Perseroan berjumlah 3 (tiga) orang dan seluruhnya laki-  Commissioners comprised 3 male members, whereas the
            laki, sementara anggota Direksi per 31 Desember 2023   Board of Directors consisted of 4 members, one of whom
            berjumlah 4 (empat) orang dan satu diantaranya berjenis   was female.
            kelamin perempuan.

            Informasi terkait latar pendidikan, pengalaman serta   Details regarding the educational background, experience,
            keahlian anggota Direksi telah diuraikan pada Bab Profil   and expertise of the Board of Directors members were
            Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.             provided  in  the  Company  Profile  section  of  this  Annual

            Pengelolaan Benturan Kepentingan
            Management of Conflicts of Interest
            [GRI 2-15]
            Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi telah   All members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of
            menyatakan komitmen  untuk  senantiasa menjalankan   Directors pledged to fulfill their duties and responsibilities
            tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing secara     independently, without any conflicts of interest. The Board
            independen atau terbebas dari benturan kepentingan   of Commissioners and Board of Directors adhere to the
            apapun. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi senantiasa    Company's Articles of Association and relevant laws and
            berpedoman pada Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan dan     regulations. Consequently, in 2023, there were no instances
            ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, sehingga   of  potential  conflicts  of  interest  among  the  members  of
            sepanjang tahun 2023 tidak terdapat situasi dengan   the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.
            potensi benturan kepentingan yang dihadapi oleh
            anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi.

            Rangkap Jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

            Concurrent Positions of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
            Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan yang   The members of the Board of Commissioners and
            memiliki jabatan rangkap pada perusahaan lain telah   Board of Directors, with concurrent positions in other
            memenuhi  ketentuan  yang  ditetapkan  oleh  Perseroan   companies, have complied to the regulations set by
            dan tidak melanggar POJK No. 20/POJK.4/2016 tanggal   the Company and have not breached FSA Regulation
            7 April 2016 tentang Perizinan Perusahaan Efek yang   No. 20/POJK.4/2016 dated April 7 , 2016, on the Licensing of
            melakukan kegiatan usaha sebagai Penjamin Emisi Efek   Securities Companies that Undertake Business Activities
            dan Perantara Pedagang Efek.                      as Underwriters and Broker-Dealers.
            Informasi terkait rangkap jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan   Details about the concurrent positions held by the Board
            Direksi  diungkapkan  di  bagian  Profil  Dewan  Komisaris   of Commissioners and Board of Directors were provided in
            dan Direksi dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.            the Profiles section of this Annual Report.

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