Page 127 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 127
Pendapatan Usaha
Operating Revenues
Jumlah pendapatan usaha BRIDS tahun 2023 adalah In 2023, BRIDS' total operating revenue was Rp299.672
sebesar Rp299,672 miliar, yaitu menurun 13% atau billion, showing a decrease of 13% or Rp46.616 billion
Rp46,616 miliar dibandingkan tahun 2022. Penurunan compared to 2022. The decrease was primarily caused by a
tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh adanya penurunan decline in revenue from underwriting services, attributed
pendapatan atas jasa penjaminan emisi akibat adanya to several delays from issuers.
beberapa penundaan dari emiten.
Tabel Pendapatan Usaha Tahun 2021-2023 (dalam ribuan Rupiah)
Table of Operating Revenues 2021-2023 (in thousand Rupiah)
Perubahan 2022-2023
Uraian 2022-2023 Changes
Description 2023 2022 2021 Selisih
Difference %
Pendapatan dari Kontrak dengan Pelanggan Income from contract with customer
Komisi perantara efek dan agen penjualan reksa dana 141.551.534 186.772.672 156.745.194 (45.221.138) (24)%
Income from brokerage activities and selling agent of
mutual funds
Jasa penjaminan efek 25.365.427 63.832.679 108.169.980 (38.467.252) (60)%
Underwriting fees
Jasa Penasihat keuangan 116.474.899 85.479.066 102.792.490 30.995.833 36%
Financial advisory fees
Pendapatan dari Hasil Investasi Income from Investment
Pendapatan dividen, bunga dan keuntungan dari efek 16.280.026 10.203.200 8.027.982 6.076.826 60%
- neto
Dividends, interest income and gain from marketable
securities –net
Jumlah Pendapatan Usaha 299.671.886 346.287.617 375.735.646 (46.615.731) (13)%
Total Operating Revenues
Beban Usaha
Operating Expenses
Jumlah beban usaha BRIDS tahun 2023 adalah sebesar During 2023, the total operating expenses of BRIDS
Rp318,288 miliar, yaitu meningkat 29% atau Rp72,365 was Rp318.288 billion, marking an increase of 29% or
miliar dibandingkan tahun 2022. Peningkatan tersebut Rp72.365 billion compared to 2022. The increase was
terutama disebabkan oleh penyesuaian atas biaya primarily attributable to adjustments in personnel costs
pegawai serta biaya operasional atas dampak inflasi. and operating expenses due to the impact of inflation.
Kenaikan beban usaha ini juga disebabkan oleh adanya Additionally, the rise in operating expenses resulted from
penambahan biaya atas penambahan dan renovasi area additional costs incurred for expanding and renovating
kerja. work areas.
PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 127 Integrated Annual Report 2023