Page 128 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 128

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
                                     Management Discussion and Analysis

            Tabel Beban Usaha Tahun 2021-2023 (dalam ribuan Rupiah)
            Table of Operating Expenses 2021-2023 (in thousand Rupiah)

                                                                                           Perubahan 2022-2023
                               Uraian                                                       2022-2023 Changes
                             Description                  2023        2022        2021       Selisih
                                                                                           Difference   %

             Gaji dan kesejahteraan karyawan             175.438.497  153.367.489  150.333.397    22.071.008    14%
             Salaries and Employee Welfare
             Biaya jasa penasihat keuangan               50.254.084   21.442.021         -   28.812.063    134%
             Financial Advisory Expenses
             Pemeliharaan sistem System Maintenance      24.395.873  20.254.634   13.520.439    4.141.239    20%
             Biaya transaksi bursa                        14.247.705  15.077.440   15.555.119    (829.735)   (6)%
             Stock Exchange Transaction Costs
             Umum dan administrasi General and Administrative  14.061.395  13.705.202  9.965.218    356.193    3%
             Penyusutan Depreciation                      14.104.056  12.295.304   11.726.101    1.808.752    15%

             Jasa profesional Professional Fees           4.667.753    5.439.801  4.808.398    (772.048)   (14)%
             Iklan dan promosi Advertising and Promotions  2.391.128   4.111.577   1.882.695    (1.720.449)   (42)%
             Jamuan dan donasi Representation and Donation  2.886.836  3.401.193   1.318.500    (514.357)   (15)%
             Perjalanan dinas Business Trip                2.125.216   1.879.830   839.584     245.386    13%
             Sewa Rent                                    1.269.094    1.850.179  1.564.824    (581.085)   (31)%
             Penjaminan emisi Underwriting                  932.891    1.584.656  3.051.444    (651.765)   (41)
             Pelatihan dan seminar Training and Seminar   1.368.808    1.009.257   274.200     359.551    36%

             Kustodi Custody                               754.546      773.335    859.867     (18.789)   (2)%
             Penyisihan kerugian penurunan nilai           (933.423)  (18.070.930)  (16.508.604)   17.137.507    (95)%
             Provision for impairment losses
             Lain-lain Others                             10.323.527   7.801.711   6.663.192   2.521.816    32%
             Jumlah Beban Usaha Total Operating Expenses  318.287.986  245.922.699  253.659.134   72.365.287    29%

            Laba Usaha
            Profit from Operation

            Jumlah rugi usaha BRIDS tahun 2023 adalah sebesar   In  2023,  BRIDS’  total  operating  loss  was  Rp18.616  billion,
            Rp18,616 miliar, yaitu menurun sebesar 119% atau Rp118,981   marking a decrease of 119% or Rp118.981 billion compared to
            miliar  dibandingkan  tahun  2022.  Penurunan  tersebut   2022. The decrease was primarily caused by the Company's
            terutama disebabkan oleh pendapatan usaha Perusahaan   operating revenue failing to meet the 2023 target because
            tidak mencapai target 2023 dikarenakan adanya     of the postponement of several projects and the decline
            penundaan beberapa proyek dan penurunan kinerja   in market performance. Meanwhile, the operating costs
            pasar, sedangkan sisi biaya usaha merupakan item biaya   remained fixed and had to be paid by the Company.
            tetap yang harus dibayarkan oleh Perusahaan.

            Pendapatan Lain-lain
            Other Income

            Jumlah pendapatan lain-lain BRIDS tahun 2023 adalah   During 2023, the total other income of BRIDS was
            sebesar  Rp89,773  miliar,  yaitu  meningkat  716%  atau   Rp89.773  billion,  marking  a  716%  increase  or  Rp104.349
            Rp104,349 miliar dibandingkan tahun 2022. Peningkatan   billion compared to 2022. The increase was primarily
            tersebut  terutama  disebabkan  oleh  adanya  pencatatan   attributed to adjustments recorded in the cost balance of
            atas  penyesuaian  saldo biaya  atas  Cadangan hutang   the contingency debt reserve, along with the recovery of
            contingency serta adanya recovery atas piutang masa lalu.  past receivables.

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  128  Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023
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