Page 69 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 69

          2022 Integrated Annual Report

          Tujuan CAP KETAPel                               Purpose of Our CAP KETAPel
          1.  Meningkatkan Engagement Sesama Karyawan (Internal)   1.   Enhancing Employee (Internal) and BRI Group (External)
            dan BRI Group (Eksternal)                        Engagement                                         PROFILE  COMPANY
          2.  Karyawan  Lebih  Aware dan Senantiasa  Menerapkan   2.  Raising  Employee  Awareness  and  Consistently
            Prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dalam Setiap   Applying Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Principles
            Aktifitas                                        to Each Activity
          3.  Mendorong  Perilaku  Menjadi  Penyuluh Digital untuk   3.  Encouraging  Behaviour  of Becoming Digital  Educator
            Seluruh Karyawan                                 for All Employees
          4.  Meningkatkan Kualitas  dan Kepedulian  terhadap   4.  Improving Quality and Focus on Customer Investment
            Kebutuhan Investasi Nasabah                      Needs



           Tagline “Terpercaya, Berpengalaman, Melayani” memiliki filosofi sebagai berikut:
                          “Trusted, Experienced, and Serving” Tagline represents the following philosophy:

                    Terpercaya                   Berpengalaman                      Melayani
                      Trusted                      Experienced                       Serving

               Perusahaan memiliki           Perusahaan merupakan                 Perusahaan
               nasabah institusi yang          pioneer Perusahaan              menyediakan jasa
               beragam dan nasabah            Sekuritas di Indonesia        brokerage, underwriting,
              ritel yang cukup banyak           sejak tahun 1992              dan advisory dengan
             dengan kredibilitas yang         Experienced represents that    memberikan pelayanan
                baik di pasar modal            the Company is a pioneer     terbaik kepada nasabah
                                              of Securities Companies in     Serving represents that the
                Trusted represents that         Indonesia since 1992.       Company provides brokerage,
                the Company has various                                       underwriting, and advisory
                 institutional customers                                    services by providing the best
               and a large number of retail                                   services to the customers.
             customers with good credibility
                 in the capital market.

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