Page 350 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 350

The original financial statements included herein are in the
                                                                                              Indonesian language.
                      PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS                         PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS
                    Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan untuk                     As of December 31, 2022 and
                  tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut                   for the year then ended
                       (Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah,                   (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,
                          kecuali dinyatakan lain)                           unless otherwise stated)

                 KEUANGAN (lanjutan)                                 AND POLICIES (continued)
                 d)  Risiko pembiayaan (lanjutan)                    d)  Financing risk (continued)
                     Eksposur  risiko  pembiayaan  Perusahaan           The  Company’s  exposure  to  financing  risks
                     berkaitan  dengan  kegiatan  broker  saham         related  to  its  activities  as  a  stock  broker  is
                     terasosiasi  pada  posisi  kontraktual  nasabah    associated with customer’s contractual position
                     yang muncul pada saat perdagangan. Mitigasi        that  appears  during  the  trade.  The  main
                     utama  risiko  pembiayaan  tersebut  adalah        mitigation  for  financing  risk  is  through
                     melalui  evaluasi  nasabah,  penerapan  limit      customer’s   evaluations,   transaction   limit
                     transaksi,  serta  penyediaan  jaminan  oleh       application,  as  well  as  the  provision  of
                     nasabah  dan  pengelolaan  jaminan  dengan         guarantees/collaterals by the customer and the
                     memperhatikan   likuiditas,  volatilitas,  dan     management  of  guarantees  in  respect  of
                     kecukupan nilai jaminan. Jenis instrumen yang      liquidity,  volatility,  and  the  adequacy  of  the
                     diterima  Perusahaan  sebagai  jaminan  dapat      collateral   value.   Types   of   instruments
                     berupa  kas  dan  efek  yang  tercatat  di  bursa.  acceptable  by the  Company  as  collateral  can
                     Disiplin dalam pengelolaan kecukupan jaminan       be  cash  and  securities  listed  on  the  stock
                     melalui  mekanisme  permintaan top  up  atau       exchange.   Being   disciplined   in   the
                     force  sell  merupakan  faktor  penting  untuk     management  of  the  adequacy  of  collateral
                     menjaga  kualitas  pembiayaan  yang  diberikan     through request  for  top  up  or force  sell  is  an
                     kepada  nasabah.  Perusahaan  mempunyai            important  factor  to maintain the  quality  of the
                     eksposur  terhadap  piutang  yang  telah  jatuh    financing provided to customers. The Company
                     tempo  dan  Perusahaan  telah  menurunkan          has exposure to  overdue receivables and the
                     nilainya  ke  estimasi  jumlah  terpulihkan.  Atas  Company  has  reduced  its  value  to  the
                     piutang  tersebut,  Perusahaan telah menerima      estimated recoverable amount. The Company
                     jaminan yang memadai.                              has  received  sufficient  guarantee  for  that
                     Di samping itu, kebijakan limit ditetapkan untuk   In addition, the establishment of limits policy is
                     memastikan aktivitas pembiayaan Perusahaan         to  ensure  the  Company’s  financing  activities
                     dilakukan  secara  hati-hati  dengan  membatasi    are carefully implemented by limiting the risk to
                     tingkat risiko sampai batas yang dapat ditolerir   the extent that can be tolerated by the Company
                     oleh  Perusahaan  sehingga  potensi  kerugian      so that the potential financial risk losses can still
                     risiko  pembiayaan  yang  timbul  masih  dapat     be absorbed by the Company’s capital that has
                     diserap dengan modal Perusahaan yang telah         been allocated. The Company has set financing
                     dialokasikan.  Perusahaan  telah  melakukan        limits  and  regularly monitors the financial risk
                     penetapan  limit  pembiayaan  dan  secara  rutin   exposure   in   their  portofolios,   business
                     melakukan  pemantauan  atas  eksposur  risiko      segments and economic sectors.
                     pembiayaan secara portofolio, segmen bisnis,
                     dan sektor ekonomi.
                     Tabel   berikut   menunjukkan   eksposur           The following table shows maximum credit risk
                     maksimum   risiko   kredit   terhadap   aset       exposure to financial assets:
                                                     31 Desember/December 31, 2022
                                                 Nilai wajar jaminan dan
                                                 pendukung kredit lainnya/
                                                Fair value of collateral and
                                      Eksposur  credit enhancements held
                                     risiko kredit/           Surplus
                                     Maximum     Surat         jaminan/          Jaminan          Eksposur
                                    exposure to  berharga/  Surplus   bersih/    bersih/
                                      credit risk          Securities          collateral         Net collateral        Net exposure
                 Aset                                                                                    Assets
                 Setara kas* )        503.840.605     -          -          -       503.840.605    Cash equivalents* )
                Setara kas                                                                             Restricted
                   yang dibatasi penggunaannya  50.000.000  -    -          -    50.000.000        cash equivalents
                 Portofolio efek       5.131.141      -          -          -     5.131.141      Marketable securities
                 Piutang  lembaga kliring                                                    Receivable from clearing and
                    dan penjaminan    49.164.409      -          -          -    49.164.409     guarantee institution
                 Piutang nasabah                                                              Receivable from customers
                 Piutang reguler      879.049.163     -          -          -       879.049.163    Regular customer
                 Piutang marjin **)   42.095.851            84.792.344  (42.696.493)  42.095.853  -  Margin customer **)
                Piutang pembiayaan     165.351.077    -          -          -       165.351.077   Financing receivable
                 Piutang  kegiatan                                                           Receivable from underwriting
                    penjaminan emisi efek  41.491.251  -         -          -    41.491.251           activities
                 Piutang lain-lain    46.698.942      -          -          -    46.698.942        Other receivables
                 Aset takberwujud ***)  3.885.000     -          -          -     3.885.000       Intangible assets ***)
                 Aset lain-lain  ****)   68.313.975   -          -          -    68.313.975         Other assets ****)
                                      1.855.021.414  84.792.344  (42.969.493)  42.095.853      1.812.925.563
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