Page 32 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

                 Dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasannya, Dewan   In the performance of its supervisory function, the Board
                 Komisaris secara berkala melakukan rapat dengan   of Commissioners held regular meetings with the Board
                 Direksi, menyampaikan tanggapan dan persetujuan   of Directors, submitted responses and approvals of the
                 terhadap usulan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan   Company’s Work Plan and Budget (WP&B) and policies
                 (RKAP) dan kebijakan yang disusun oleh Direksi, serta   prepared by the Board of Directors, and approved
                 memberikan persetujuan atas berbagai hal lainnya yang   various other issues proposed by the Board of Directors
                                                                 in accordance with the provisions in the Company’s
                 diusulkan oleh Direksi sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam
       LAPORAN   MANJEMEN  Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.            Articles of Association.
                 Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi menjadi forum
                                                                 meetings served as a strategic forum for the Board of
                 strategis bagi Dewan Komisaris untuk memantau   The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
                 perkembangan Perusahaan. Sepanjang tahun 2022,   Commissioners to monitor the Company’s development.
                 Dewan Komisaris menggelar 20 kali rapat dengan Direksi,   Throughout 2022, the Board of Commissioners held
                 baik dengan seluruh Direksi maupun melibatkan divisi-  20 meetings with the Board of Directors, both with all
                 divisi terkait sesuai dengan bidangnya. Disamping itu   Directors and involving related divisions based on to
                 dalam rangka pengawasan yang efektif Dewan Komisaris   their areas. In addition, as part of effective supervision,
                 juga melakukan pertemuan dan pembahasan berbagai   the Board of Commissioners also held meetings and
                 isu secara internal diantaranya  review kinerja bulanan   discusses various  issues internally, including  monthly
                 dan pembahasan atas progress inisiatif strategik   performance reviews and discussions related to the
                 perusahaan melalui Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi   progress of the company’s strategic initiatives through
                 (Radirkom) sebanyak 24 kali, serta untuk hal-hal tertentu   Board of Commissioners and Directors Meetings
                 dalam bentuk surat-surat untuk pengawasan sebanyak   (Radirkom), with the total  of  24 times, as well as some
                 61 surat.                                       issues in the form of supervisory letters, with the total
                                                                 of 61 letters.


                 Dewan Komisaris memahami bahwa kinerja Perusahaan   The Board of Commissioners acknowledged that the
                 di tahun 2022 masih dipengaruhi oleh kondisi    Company’s performance in 2022 has been affected
                 pemulihan ekonomi nasional sebagai dampak pandemi   by the conditions of the national economic recovery
                 Covid-19 dimana peluang bisnis relatif dirasakan   following the COVID-19 pandemic, which provides
                 sangat kompetitif. Namun demikian, Manajemen sudah   relatively  competitive  business  opportunities.
                 menunjukan upaya yang optimal dan mencapai kinerja   Nonetheless, Management has shown optimal efforts
                 yang baik, antara lain Pendapatan Usaha dengan target   and achieved good performance, including Operating
                 RKAP 2022 sebesar Rp406,30 miliar tercapai Rp346,29   Revenues with the 2022 WP&B target of Rp406.30 billion
                 miliar atau terealisasi 85%, Laba Rugi Usaha dengan   achieved by Rp346.29 billion or realized at 85%, Business
                 target  RKAP  2022  sebesar  Rp136,30  miliar  tercapai   Profit  and  Loss  with  the  2022  WP&B  target  ofRp136.30
                 Rp72,20 miliar atau terealisasi 53%,  Loan Recovery   billion reached by Rp72.20 billion or realized at 53%, Loan
                 dengan  target  RKAP  2022  sebesar  Rp96.377  miliar   Recovery  with  the  2022  WP&B  target  of  Rp6,377  billion
                 tercapai  Rp23.186  miliar  atau  terealisasi  24,06%.   reached by Rp23,186 billion or realized at 24.06%. BRIDS
                 Perusahaan membukukan laba sebesar Rp72,20 miliar,   recorded a profit of Rp72.20 billion, which reflected 53%
                 53% dari RKAP 2022 dengan ROE 16,00%.           from 2022 WP&B with ROE of 16.00%.

                 Dengan pencapaian tersebut diatas, Dewan Komisaris   Given these achievements, the Board of Commissioners
                 berpendapat bahwa di tahun 2022, Direksi telah   considered that the Board of Directors has attempted to
                 berusaha untuk melaksanakan inisiatif strategik yang   implement the strategic initiatives that were established
                 sudah  ditetapkan, namun  demikian  masih diperlukan   in 2022, however, more structured and measurable

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