Page 30 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

                 APBN  2022  mengalami  defisit  Rp464,3  triliun  atau   The 2022 State Budget experienced a deficit of Rp464.3
                 2,38%  terhadap  produk  domestik  (PDB).  Defisit  APBN   trillion or 2.38% of domestic product (GDP). The state
                 tersebut  terjadi karena  pendapatan  negara  hanya   budget  deficit  occured  due  to  the  state  revenues  was
                 sebesar Rp2.626,4 triliun pada 2022, dan belanja negara   only  Rp2,626.4  trillion  in  2022,  and  state  expenditures
                 mencapai  Rp3.090,8 triliun.  Sumbangan  pertumbuhan   reached Rp3,090.8 trillion. An impressive performance
                 yang siginifikan juga berasal dari kinerja impresif ekspor   by  Indonesian  exports  also  contributed  significantly
                                                                 to  growth. In addition,  higher  prices for commodities,
       LAPORAN   MANJEMEN  komoditas,  produk  olahan tambang,  dan  menguatnya   processed mining products and increased production
                 Indonesia. Selain  karena  faktor peningkatan  harga
                                                                 capacity in various sectors, also contributed to increased
                 kapasitas output di berbagai sektor juga turut mendorong
                 peningkatan  ekspor  Indonesia.   Posisi cadangan  devisa
                                                                 position amassed USD137.2 billion as of end-December
                 Indonesia pada bulan Desember 2022 mencapai USD137,2   Indonesian  exports.  Indonesia’s  official  reserve  assets
                 miliar meningkat dibanding posisi cadangan devisa bulan   2022, increased from USD134.0 billion as of end-
                 November  2022  sebesar  USD134,0  miliar. Peningkatan   November  2022.  The  gain  of  official  reserves  assets  in
                 posisi cadangan devisa pada akhir Desember 2022 antara   December 2022 was underpinned, amongst others, by
                 lain dipengaruhi  oleh  penerimaan pajak  dan  jasa serta   the tax and service receipts as well as government’s
                 penarikan pinjaman pemerintah. Posisi cadangan devisa   foreign loan withdrawal. The position of official reserve
                 tersebut  setara  dengan  pembiayaan  6  bulan  impor  dan   assets was equivalent to finance 6.0 months of imports
                 pembayaran utang luar negeri pemerintah, serta berada   and servicing government’s external debt, and well
                 di  atas  standar  kecukupan  internasional  sekitar  3 bulan   above the international adequacy standard of 3 (three)
                 impor.                                          months imports.

                 Sinergi kebijakan moneter fiskal yang berjalan baik, salah   The  synergy  of  well-functioning  monetary  and  fiscal
                 satunya dengan skema burden sharing telah memberikan   policies, including the burden-sharing scheme, created
                 iklim yang kondusif bagi pasar modal di tahun 2022.   a conducive climate for the capital market in 2022. A
                 Kebijakan moneter yang telah mengantisipasi kondisi   monetary policy that anticipated global conditions and
                 global dan bersifat relatif forward looking telah   relatively forward-looking has prevented the market
                 membantu mengamankan pasar untuk tidak terlalu   from becoming overly volatile. The efforts to maintain
                 bergejolak. Upaya menjaga stabilitas rupiah juga telah   rupiah stability also allowed investors to maintain a
                 membantu menjaga preferensi investor terhadap saham   preference for Indonesian stocks and bonds. Throughout
                 dan obligasi Indonesia. Sepanjang tahun 2022 terjadi   2022,  the  capital  inflow  in  stock  market  has  reached
                 capital inflow di pasar saham sebesar Rp63,73 triliun.  Rp63.73 trillion.

                 Kinerja industri efek tahun 2022 menunjukan perbaikan,   The 2022 performance of a securities industry has shown
                 hal ini tercermin dari Indeks harga saham gabungan   an improvement, reflected in the IDX Composite (IHSG) at
                 (IHSG)  pada  tutup  tahun  2022  tercatat  6.850,62   the close of 2022 which was recorded at 6,850.62 from
                 dibandingkan tutup tahun 2021 tercatat pada level   6,581.48  at  the  close  of  the  previous  year,  an  increase
                 6.581,48  naik  269,14  basis  poin  atau  4,09%.  Demikian   of  269.14  basis  points  or  4.09%.  As  well,  the  growth  of
                 juga halnya dengan pertumbuhan industri pasar modal   the capital markets and business in the securities sector
                 dan bisnis dalam industri Sekuritas, jika dibandingkan   as compared to 2021, the number of companies listed
                 dengan tahun 2021, jumlah perusahaan yang melakukan   on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has risen to 766
                 listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) berjumlah 766 emiten,   issuers, including the addition of 56 new issuers and 54
                 termasuk di dalamnya penambahan 56 emiten baru dan   new listed companies with a total market capitalization
                 54 perusahaan tercatat baru. Dengan jumlah kapitalisasi   of Rp8,256 trillion, while in 2022 there were 825 issuers
                 pasar  Rp8.256  triliun,  sedangkan  tahun  2022  terdapat   listed on the stock exchange, including the addition of
                 825 emiten yang listing di bursa, termasuk di dalamnya   63  new  issuers  and  59  newly  listed  companies  with  a
                 penambahan 63 emiten baru dan 59 perusahaan tercatat   market capitalization of Rp9,509 trillion or an increase of
                 baru dengan kapitalisasi pasar sebesar Rp9.509 triliun   7.70% in the number of issuers and 15 .17% total market
                 atau terjadi kenaikan 7,70% jumlah emiten dan 15,17%   capitalization. For the total Initial Public Offerings (IPO),
                 jumlah kapitalisasi pasar. Jumlah Initial Public Offering   there was an increased in the number of IPO issuers in
                 (IPO) ada kenaikan jumlah emiten yang melakukan IPO   2022, up from 59 out of 54 issuers in 2021. During 2022,
                 tahun 2022, yaitu 59 emiten dari 54 emiten IPO tahun   the Average Daily Transaction Value (ATV) recorded
                 2021.  Rata-Rata Nilai Transaksi Harian  (RNTH)  bursa   an increase of  10% of Rp14.7 trillion, compared to the
                 tahun 2022 tercatat di angka Rp14,7 triliun dibanding   previous year of Rp13.4 trillion. Meanwhile, the total
                 tahun 2021 sebesar Rp13,4 triliun atau meningkat   investors in 2022 was recorded at 10.3 million, compared

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