Page 24 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

       KINERJA   UTAMA 2022

                       07 DESEMBER 2022
                       DECEMBER 07, 2022                               16 DESEMBER 2022
                                                                       DECEMBER 16, 2022
                 INDONESIA MARKET OUTLOOK 2023
                 WITH SANDIAGA UNO                               TJSL HOLDING DANAREKSA:
                                                                 BANTUAN KORBAN GEMPA BUMI CIANJUR
                 BRIDS, perusahaan anak PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia   TJSL HOLDING DANAREKSA:
                 (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI) dan anggota Holding BUMN   DELIVER AID TO CIANJUR EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS
                 Danareksa, berkolaborasi dengan Sandiaga Uno, Menteri
                 Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf) Republik   BRIDS turut  serta  dalam  Serah  Terima  Bantuan
                 Indonesia, menggelar  talk show  bertajuk Indonesia   untuk  Korban  Gempa  Bumi Cianjur,  Jawa Barat,  yang
                 Market Outlook 2023 dengan tema “Cerdas Memilih   mana  merupakan kegiatan  Tanggung Jawab  Sosial &
                 Saham di Tengah Gejolak Pandemi dan Ketidakpastian   Lingkungan (TJSL) yang  diselenggarakan  oleh  Holding
                 Ekonomi Global”, melalui program Sandilogi, program   BUMN Danareksa, mengikutsertakan anggota holding dan
                 talk show yang membahas seputar pasar modal dan   seluruh perusahaan anak.
                 perekonomian Indonesia yang dipandu langsung oleh
                 Sandiaga Uno, berlokasi di  vOffice Jakarta.    BRIDS participated  in the Handover  of  Assistance  for
                                                                 Earthquake  Victims in Cianjur,  West Java, which  was a
                                                                 manifestation  of  Social & Environmental  Responsibility
                 Acara yang turut didukung oleh, sebuah
                 perusahaan jasa pengurusan perizinan yang membantu   (CSR)  activities  organized  by  Holding BUMN Danareksa,
                 pengusaha dan para pelaku ekonomi kreatif dalam   involved holding members and all subsidiaries.
                 memiliki legalitas yang tepat, dipandu oleh Sandiaga
                 Uno dan turut menghadirkan Laksono Widito, Direktur
                 Utama BRIDS, selaku pakar di bidang pasar modal,
                 bertujuan untuk memberikan tips bagi para pelaku pasar
                 untuk bersiap dan menyikapi Perfect Storm 2023, serta
                 menganalisis peluang dan tantangan pasar yang ada.
                 BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (“BRIDS”), a subsidiary of
                 PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI) and a
                 member of Danareksa BUMN Holding, collaborated with
                 Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy
                 (Menparekraf) of the Republic Indonesia, held a talk show
                 entitled Indonesia Market Outlook 2023 with the theme
                 “Smartly Choose Stocks in the Middle of Pandemic
                 Turmoil and Global Economic Uncertainty”, through the
                 Sandilogy program, a talk show program that discusses
                 the capital market and the Indonesian economy which
                 is  guided  directly  by  Sandiaga  Uno,  located  at  vOffice

                 The event, which was also supported by, a
                 licensing service company that helps entrepreneurs and
                 creative economy actors to have the right legality, was
                 hosted by Sandiaga Uno and also presented Laksono
                 Widodo, President Director of BRIDS, as an expert in the
                 capital market sector, aims to provide tips for market
                 participants to prepare for and respond to Perfect Storm
                 2023, as well as analyze existing market opportunities
                 and challenges.

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