Page 20 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

                 PERISTIWA PENTING TAHUN 2022

                 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OF 2022

       KINERJA   UTAMA 2022

                       28 JANUARI 2022
                       JANUARY 28, 2022
                                                                       02 FEBRUARI 2022
                 EMPLOYEE GATHERING BRI DANAREKSA                      FEBRUARY 02, 2022
                 SEKURITAS 2021: TOGETHER EVERYONE
                 ACHIEVE MORE (TEAM)                             BRI & BRIDS WORKSHOP: BOOSTING
                                                                 COLLABORATION TO EMPHASIZE BUSINESS
                 BRIDS menyelenggarakan  kegiatan  Employee Gathering   POTENTIAL
                 BRI Danareksa  Sekuritas  2021  dengan  tema  “Together
                 Everyone Achieve More (TEAM)” yang  berlokasi  di
                 Yogyakarta.  Kegiatan  yang  dihadiri  seluruh  keluarga   BRI dan BRIDS menyelenggarakan Workshop dengan tema
                 BRIDS ini bertujuan  untuk  meningkatkan  engagement   “Boosting Collaboration to Emphasize Business Potential”
                 Pegawai terhadap Perusahaan, serta untuk meningkatkan   sebagai  salah satu  langkah strategis  untuk  menyatukan
                 kolaborasi dan kerja sama antar Pegawai demi tercapainya   aspirasi  Perusahaan  Anak dan  memperkuat  Sinergi  BRI
                 visi dan misi Perusahaan.                       Group,  dalam  rangka mencapai visi BRI untuk  menjadi
                                                                 “The Most Valuable Banking Group in Southeast Asia and
                 BRIDS  held the 2021  BRI Danareksa  Sekuritas  Employee   Champion of Financial Inclusion”.
                 Gathering  with the  theme  “Together  Everyone  Achieve
                 More (TEAM)”  located  in Yogyakarta.  This activity,   BRI and BRIDS organized a workshop on “Boosting
                 in which  the entire  BRIDS family took part,  aimed  to   Collaboration to Emphasize Business Potential” as a
                 increase  Employee  engagement within the Company,  as   strategic step to unify the aspirations of Subsidiaries
                 well as  increased  collaboration  and  cooperation  among   and reinforce the synergy of the BRI Group, concerning
                 Employees  to  achieve  the  vision and  mission  of the   the vision of BRI to become “The Most Valuable Banking
                 Company.                                        Group  in Southeast Asia  and  Champion of Financial

                                                                 PELUNCURAN APLIKASI  ONLINE TRADING
                                                                 THE LAUNCHING OF BRIGHTS ONLINE TRADING APP

                                                                 Bidik pasar milenial, BRIDS, anak perusahaan dari PT Bank
                                                                 Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) dan entitas asosiasi
                                                                 dari Holding Danareksa, meluncurkan new online trading
                                                                 system bernama  BRIGHTS,  yang  merupakan  sebuah
                                                                 aplikasi  yang  dikembangkan  dengan  teknologi terkini
                                                                 untuk memberikan kenyamanan berinvestasi bagi seluruh
                                                                 lapisan investor di pasar modal.
                                                                 Aiming at the millennial market, BRIDS, a subsidiary  of
                       24 FEBRUARI 2022                          PT Bank Rakyat  Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) and an
                       FEBRUARY 24, 2022                         associate  entity of Holding Danareksa,  launched  a new
                                                                 online trading system  under  the name  BRIGHTS, which
                                                                 is an  app  developed  with the  latest  technology to  offer
                                                                 investment convenience for all levels of investors in the
                                                                 capital market.

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