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          2022 Integrated Annual Report

          2.  Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 28 Tahun   2.  Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28 of 1999
             1999 tentang Penyelenggara Negara yang Bersih dan   concerning State Administrators that are clean and
             Bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme;       free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism;
          3.  Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara    3.  State-Owned  Enterprises  Ministry  Regulation
             No. PER-01/ MBU/2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang   No. PER-01/MBU/2011 on August 1, 2011, concerning
             Penetapan Tata kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good   the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance
             Corporate Governance) pada Badan Usaha Milik    in State-Owned Enterprises, and the amendment
             negara (BUMN), sebagaimana telah diubah dengan   through the Regulation of SOE Ministry No. 09/
             Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik negara No. PER-  MBU/2012 on July 6, 2012;
             09/MBU/2012 tanggal 6 Juli 2012;
          4.  Peraturan OJK No. 18/POJK.03/2014 tanggal 18   4.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 18/
             November 2014 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola     POJK.03/2014 dated November 18, 2014 concerning
             Terintegrasi bagi Konglomerasi Keuangan;        Implementation of Integrated Good Corporate
                                                             Governance for Financial Conglomerates;
          5.  Peraturan  OJK  No.  55/POJK.04/2015  tentang  5.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 55/
             Pembentukan dan Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja       POJK.04/2015  concerning  the  Formation  and
             Komite Audit;                                   Guidelines for the Work Implementation of the Audit
          6.  Peraturan  OJK  No.  20/POJK.04/2016  tentang  6.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 20/  GOVERNANCE  CORPORATE
             Perizinan Efek Perusahaan yang memiliki kegiatan   POJK.04/2016 concerning Licensing of Securities
             usaha sebagai penjamin Emisi Efek dan perantara   Company with business activities as underwriters of
             Pedagang Efek;                                  Securities Issues and brokerage of Securities Dealers;
          7.  Peraturan  OJK  No.  27/POJK.03/2016  tentang  7.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 27/
             Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan Bagi Pihak    POJK.03/2016 concerning Fit and Proper Test for the
             Utama Lembaga Jasa Keuangan;                    Main Parties of Financial Services Institutions;
          8.  Peraturan  OJK  No.  13/POJK.03/2017  tentang  8.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 13/
             Penggunaan Jasa Akuntan Publik dan Kantor Akuntan   POJK.03/2017  concerning  the  Use  of  Public
             Publik dalam Kegiatan Jasa Keuangan             Accountants and Public Accounting Firms in Financial
                                                             Services Activities;
          9.  Peraturan  OJK  No.  57/POJK.04/2017  tentang  9.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 57/
             Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Efek yang      POJK.04/2017 concerning Implementation of Good
             Melakukan Kegiatan Usaha Sebagai Penjamin Emisi   Corporate Governance for Securities Companies
             Efek dan Perantara Pedagang Efek;               Conducting Business Activities as Underwriters and
          10. Surat Edaran OJK No. 55/SEOJK.04/2017 tentang   10. Financial Services Authority Circular No. 55/
             Laporan Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Efek yang   SEOJK.04/2017  concerning  Report  on  the
             Melakukan Kegiatan Usaha sebagai Penjamin Emisi   Implementation of Good Corporate Governance
             Efek dan Perantara Pedagang Efek;               for Securities Conducting Business Activities as
                                                             Underwriters and Broker-Dealers;
          11.  Peraturan  OJK  No.  50/POJK.04/2020  tentang  11.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 50/
             Pengendalian  Internal  Perusahaan  Efek  yang  POJK.04/2020  concerning  Internal  Control  of
             Melakukan Kegiatan Usaha sebagai Perantara      Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities
             Pedagang Efek                                   as Broker-Dealers;
          12. Pedoman   Umum   Good  Corporate  Governance  12. General Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance
             Indonesia Tahun 2006 yang diterbitkan oleh Komite   in Indonesia 2006 issued by the National Committee
             Nasional Kebijakan  Governance tanggal 17 Oktober   on Governance on October 17, 2006, (“Common
             2006 (“Pedoman Umum GCG Indonesia KNKG”);       Guidelines for GCG Indonesia KNKG”)
          13. Pedoman Umum Governansi Korporat Indonesia   13.  General  Guidelines  for  Indonesian  Corporate
             (PUG-KI) Tahun 2021 yang diterbitkan oleh Komite   Governance (PUGKI) 2021 published by the National
             Nasional Kebijakan Governansi;                  Committee on Governing Policy;
          14. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.                   14. The Company’s Articles of Association.             2022 Integrated Annual Report  PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS

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