Page 118 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 118

                                                                                          Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2022

                                                                                          Perubahan 2021-2022
                                                                                          Changes in 2021-2022
                            Description             2022         2021*        2020        Selisih    Persentase
                                                                                         Difference  Percentage

                  Beban Pajak Penghasilan         (13.592.892)  (22.946.069)  (63.507.684)  9.353.177   (41)%
                  Income Tax Expenses
                  Laba (Rugi) Bersih Tahun Berjalan  72.195.964   94.652.577   (238.040.831)  (22.456.613)  (24)%
                  Net Profit (Loss) For The Year
                  Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Lain     8.560.723   (9.213.377)  (9.782.113)  17.774.100   (193)%
                  Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
                  Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun   80.756.687  85.439.200  (247.822.944)  (4.682.512)  (5)%
      ANALISIS DAN   PEMBAHASAN   MANAJEMEN  Comprehensive Income (Loss) For   135   189   (476)  (54)  (29)%
                  The Year
                  Laba (Rugi) Bersih Per Saham (Nilai
                  Net Profit (Loss) Per Share (Full
                 *reklasifikasi reclassification

                 PENDAPATAN USAHA
                 OPERATING REVENUES

                 Jumlah pendapatan  usaha Perusahaan  lebih rendah   The  Company’s  Total  Operating  Revenues  in  2022  were
                 8%  atau  Rp29,45  miliar  dari  tahun  sebelumnya  menjadi   Rp346.29  billion,  reflecting  8%  decrease  or  Rp29.45
                 Rp346,29 miliar pada tahun 2022. Hal tersebut terutama   billion than the previous  year.  This  was mainly  due  to
                 disebabkan  karena  adanya  penurunan  pendapatan  lini   the decrease  in  revenue  from  the underwriting  services
                 bisnis jasa penjaminan emisi dan jasa penasihat keuangan   business line and financial advisory services amounted to
                 masing-masing sebesar 41% dan 17%.              41% and 17%, respectively.

                 Tabel Pendapatan Usaha Tahun 2020-2022 (dalam ribuan Rupiah)
                 Table of Operating Revenues in 2020-2022 (in thousand Rupiah)

                                                                                          Perubahan 2021-2022
                              Uraian                                                      Changes in 2021-2022
                            Description             2022         2021         2020        Selisih    Persentase
                                                                                         Difference  Percentage
                  Pendapatan Kegiatan Perantara   186.772.672   156.745.194   110.344.196   30.027.478   19%
                  Perdagangan Efek dan Agen
                  Penjualan Reksa Dana
                  Brokerage Activities and Sale Agent
                  of Mutual Fund Income
                  Jasa Penasihat Keuangan          85.479.066   102.792.490   115.868.056   (17.313.424)  (17)%
                  Financial Advisory Services
                  Pendapatan Kegiatan Penjaminan   63.832.679   108.169.980   12.499.067   (44.337.301)  (41)%
                  Emisi dan Penjualan Efek
                  Underwriting and Securities Selling
                  Pendapatan Dividen dan Bunga     10.203.200    8.027.982    5.776.077    2.175.218    27%
                  Dividend and Interest Income
                  Jumlah Pendapatan Usaha        346.287.617   375.735.646   244.487.396   (29.448.029)  (8)%
                  Total Operating Revenues

   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123