Page 119 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 119

          2022 Integrated Annual Report

          BEBAN USAHA

          Jumlah beban usaha Perusahaan lebih rendah 3%    Total  Operating  Expenses  of  the  Company  in  2022  were
          atau Rp7,74 miliar dari tahun sebelumnya menjadi   Rp245.92 billion, reflecting 3% decrease or Rp7.74 billion
          Rp245,92 miliar pada tahun 2022. Hal tersebut    than the previous year.  This  was mainly  due  to the due
          terutama disebabkan karena adanya pencatatan atas   to recording of income  from  past  receivables  recovery.
          pendapatan  recovery piutang masa lampau. Selain itu,   In  addition,  the  cost  of  financial  advisors  has  been
          biaya  penasihat  keuangan  menurun  cukup  signifikan   significantly reduced due to the small number of financial
          dikarenakan sedikitnya proyek jasa penasihat keuangan   advisory  services  projects  that have used the services
          yang menggunakan jasa konsultan pendukung. Meskipun   of  supporting consultants. However,  adjustments  were
          demikian, telah dilakukan penyesuaian atas biaya   made  to both employee  and  operational  costs based
          pegawai  serta  biaya  operasional  atas  dampak  inflasi.   on  the  impact  of  inflation.  Furthermore,  there  was  an
          kemudian, terdapat peningkatan atas biaya penyusutan   increase in depreciation costs due to capital expenditures   DISCUSSION
          sebagai dampak dari belanja modal dengan nilai cukup   with significant value realized in 2021.      AND ANALYSIS   MANAGEMENT
          besar yang direalisasikan pada tahun 2021.

          Tabel Beban Usaha Tahun 2020-2022 (dalam ribuan Rupiah)
          Table of Operating Expenses 2020-2022 (in thousand Rupiah)

                                                                                 Perubahan 2021-2022
                                                                                 Changes in 2021-2022
                     Description             2022        2021*        2020
                                                                                  Selisih   Persentase
                                                                                Difference  Percentage
           Gaji dan Kesejahteraan Karyawan  153.367.489   150.333.397   132.249.521   3.034.092   2%
           Salaries and employee welfare
           Penyisihan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai  (18.070.930)  (16.508.604)  113.025.579   (1.562.326)  9%
           Allowance for impairment losses
           Biaya Jasa Penasihat Keuangan    21.442.021   47.804.760   73.372.788   (26.362.739)  (55)%
           Financial Advisory Services Cost
           Biaya Transaksi Bursa            15.077.440   15.555.119   17.018.988   (477.679)   (3)%
           Exchange Transaction Costs
           Pemeliharaan Sistem             20.254.634   13.520.439   18.069.676   6.734.195    50%
           System Maintenance
           Penyusutan Depreciation             12.295.304   11.726.101   11.373.533   569.203   5%
           Umum dan Administrasi            13.705.202   9.965.218   9.407.463    3.739.984    38%
           General and Administrative
           Jasa Profesional                 5.439.801    4.808.398   5.210.645     631.403     13%
           Professional Services
           Penjaminan Emisi Underwriting    1.584.656    3.051.444   1.422.903   (1.466.788)  (48)%
           Iklan dan Promosi                 4.111.577   1.882.695    1.676.574   2.228.882   118%
           Advertisements and Promotion
           Sewa Rental                       1.850.179   1.564.824    1.418.748    285.355     18%
           Jamuan dan Donasi                 3.401.193   1.318.500    1.456.783   2.082.693   158%
           Representation and donation
           Kustodi Custody                    773.335     859.867      357.191     (86.532)   (10)%
           Perjalanan Dinas Official Travel  1.879.830    839.584      389.436    1.040.246   124%

           Pelatihan dan Seminar             1.009.257    274.200      260.004     735.057    268%
           Training and Seminars
           Lain-lain Others                  7.801.711   6.663.192   1.474.830    1.138.519    17%
           Jumlah Beban Usaha             245.922.699  253.659.134  388.184.662   (7.736.435)  (3)%
           Total Operating Expenses

          *reklasifikasi reclassification
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