Page 190 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Corporate Governance

            KODE ETIK

            CODE OF CONDUCT

            Kode Etik dan Perilaku menjadi pedoman semua pihak di   The Code of Conduct serves as guideline for all parties in the
            Perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha maupun   Company in carrying out business activities and operations
            operasi secara beretika dan berintegritas. Kode Etik dan   with ethics and integrity. The Code of Conduct is dynamic and
            Perilaku bersifat dinamis, dan senantiasa diperbaharui agar   is constantly being updated to be in line with developments in
            selaras dengan perkembangan regulasi, norma serta bisnis   regulations, norms, and business of the Company.

            Perusahaan memiliki Kode Etik yang berlaku bagi seluruh   The Company has Code of Conduct that applies to all members
            anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Karyawan dan Pemasok.   of the  Board of Commissioners, Directors, Employees and
            Kode etik ini telah ditandatangani oleh seluruh Direksi dan   Suppliers. This code of ethics has been signed by the entire
            Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan pada tanggal 02 Oktober 2017.   Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company
            Kode etik ini memuat pokok-pokok kode etik yang di antaranya   on October 2, 2017. This Code of Conduct contains the main
            adalah:                                           points of the Code of Conduct including the following:
            1.   Pendahuluan                                  1.   Introduction
            2.   Tanggung Jawab                               2.   Responsibility
            3.   Keragaman dan Kesempatan Kerja yang Adil     3.   Diversity and Fair Job Opportunities
            4.   Hubungan Kerja Antar Sesama Insan Perusahaan  4.   Working Relationships among Company People
            5.   Tata Cara Berkomunikasi                      5.   How to Communicate
            6.   Informasi Rahasia Perusahaan                 6.   Company Confidential Information
            7.   Corporate Identity                           7.   Corporate Identity
            8.   Pencatatan, Dokumentasi dan Pembukuan        8.   Recording, Documentation and Bookkeeping
            9.   Keamanan dan Kenyamanan Lingkungan Kerja     9.   Safety and Comfort of the Work Environment
            10.  Benturan kepentingan                         10.  Conflict of Interests
            11.  Kepatuhan terhadap hukum                     11.  Compliance with the law
            12.  Perdagangan Saham oleh Insan Perusahaan      12.  Stock Trading by Company Personnel
            13.  Kepatuhan kepada Kode Etik                   13.  Compliance with the Code of Conduct
            14.  Internalisasi, Penerapan, Sanksi dan Rehabilitasi  14.  Internalization,  Implementation,  Sanctions  and
            15.  Penutup                                      15.  Conclusion

            Sosialisasi Kode Etik                             Code of Conduct Dissemination

            Di tahun 2021, Sosialisasi kode etik dilakukan secara virtual   In 2021, the dissemination of the code of conduct was carried
            terkait dengan adanya pandemi COVID-19.           out virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

            Visi, Misi dan Budaya Kerja                       Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture as the
            sebagai Landasan Kode Etik                        Foundation of the Code of Conduct

            Dalam  menyusun  Kode  Etik,  BRI  Danareksa  Sekuritas   In compiling the Code of Ethics, BRI Danareksa Sekuritas refers
            mengacu pada Visi, Misi dan Budaya Kerja Perusahaan yang   to the Company's Vision, Mission, and Work Culture which
            menjadi pedoman, arah dan tujuan dalam pengembangan   serve as guidelines, directions, and goals for the sustainable
            Perusahaan secara berkelanjutan. Sebagai bagian upaya   development  of  the  Company.  As  part  of  efforts  to  build  a
            membangun lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan etika kerja   conducive work environment and productive work ethic, the
            yang produktif, Perusahaan terus melakukan beberapa inisiatif   Company continues to undertake several initiatives to establish
            untuk membentuk budaya kerja yang positif. Budaya kerja   a positive work culture. The work culture of the Company
            yang dimiliki Perusahaan berisi nilai-nilai, norma-norma dan   contains values, norms, and habits that influence the thinking,
            kebiasaan yang mempengaruhi pemikiran, tingkah laku, dan   behavior, and workings of employees and management, which
            cara kerja karyawan dan manajemen, yang bermuara pada   leads to improving performance quality of the Company.
            peningkatan kualitas kinerja Perusahaan.

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           189                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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