Page 186 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
P. 186

Corporate Governance

                                                                                        Sanksi administratif yang
                                                                                         dikenakan pada Peru-
                                                                                         sahaan, Anggota Dewan
                                                                                          Komisaris dan Direksi
                                                                                        oleh Otoritas terkait pada
                                                                      Pengaruh terhadap
                        Pokok Perkara           Status Penyelesaian   kondisi Perusahaan  tahun buku terakhir
              No.                                                                       Administrative sanctions
                         Case Subject            Mediation Status       Impact on the
                                                                          Company       imposed on the Company,
                                                                                         Members of the Board
                                                                                         of Commissioners and
                                                                                        Board of Directors by the
                                                                                        relevant authorities in the
                                                                                           Latest Fiscal Year
                  Alleged Corruption in the   During the preparation of this   No impact on business   There are no administrative
                  provision of financing facilities   annual report, the ongoing legal   activities and Company  sanctions imposed on
                  from PT Danareksa Sekuritas   process was that each of the   activities considering   the Company, the current
                  to the debtor PT Aditya Tirta   convicts included the former   that criminal acts   members of the Board of
                  Renata ("ATR") in 2014. The   President Director and the former   are committed by   Commissioners, and the
                  alleged article is Article 2   Director of Operations for the 2014-  individuals not by   Board of Directors by the
                  paragraph (1) jo. Article 18 of   2015 period who had been found   corporations so that   relevant authorities.
                  Law no. 31 of 1999 concerning   guilty of committing a crime based   all services provided
                  the Eradication of Corruption   on a first-degree decision at Central  to customers continue
                  Crimes as amended by Law   Jakarta District Court in May 2021   to run normally as
                  no. 20 of 2001 concerning   is currently filing an appeal against  they should following
                  the Eradication of Corruption   the decision of the DKI Jakarta   applicable regulations.
                  Crimes jo. Article 55 paragraph   High Court at the appeal level
                  (1) of the 1st Criminal Code jo.   which confirms the decision of the
                  Article 65 paragraph (1) of the   Central Jakarta District Court
                  Criminal Code
              2   Dugaan Tindak Pidana Korupsi   Pada saat laporan tahunan ini   Tidak  berdampak   Tidak ada sanksi
                  dalam pemberian fasilitas   dibuat, proses hukum yang   terhadap kegiatan   administratif yang
                  pembiayaan dari PT Danareksa   berlangsung yaitu masing-masing   usaha dan aktivitas   dikenakan pada Perusahaan,
                  Sekuritas kepada Debitur   terpidana antara lain  Mantan   perusahaan mengingat  Anggota Dewan Komisaris
                  PT Evio Securities ("Evio")   Direktur Utama dan Mantan   tindak pidana   dan Direksi yang menjabat
                  pada tahun 2015. Pasal yang   Direktur Retail periode 2014-  dilakukan oleh individu  saat ini oleh Otoritas terkait.
                  dituduhkan Pasal 3  jo. Pasal   2015 yang telah diputus terbukti   atau perseorangan
                  18 ayat (2), (3) UU No. 31 Tahun   bersalah melakukan tindak pidana   bukan oleh korporasi
                  1999 tentang Pemberantasan   berdasarkan putusan tingkat   sehingga seluruh
                  Tindak Pidana Korupsi yang   pertama di Pengadilan Negeri   layanan  dan jasa yang
                  diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun  Jakarta Pusat pada bulan Mei 2021   diberikan kepada
                  2001 tentang Pemberantasan   sedang mengajukan upaya hukum   nasabah tetap berjalan
                  Tindak Pidana Korupsi jo. Pasal   kasasi atas putusan Pengadilan   normal sebagaimana
                  55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP    Tinggi DKI Jakarta pada tingkat   mestinya sesuai
                                           banding yang menguatkan putusan  dengan peraturan yang
                                           PN Jakarta Pusat          berlaku
                  Alleged Corruption in the   At the time this annual report   No impact on business   There are no administrative
                  provision of financing facilities   was prepared, the ongoing legal   activities and Company  sanctions imposed on
                  from PT Danareksa Sekuritas   process was that each of the   activities considering   the Company, the current
                  to Debtors of PT Evio Securities   convicts, including the former   that criminal acts   members of the Board of
                  ("Evio") in 2015. Article 3 jo.   President Director and the former   are committed by   Commissioners, and the
                  Article 18 paragraph (2), (3) of   Retail Director for the 2014-2015   individuals not by   Board of Directors by the
                  Law no. 31 of 1999 concerning   period who had been found guilty   corporations so that   relevant authorities.
                  the Eradication of Corruption   of committing a crime based on a   all services provided
                  Crimes as amended by Law   first-degree decision at the Central   to customers continue
                  no. 20 of 2001 concerning   Jakarta District Court in May 2021,   to run normally as
                  the Eradication of Corruption   was currently filing legal action   they should following
                  Crimes jo. Article 55 paragraph   cassation on the decision of DKI   applicable regulations.
                  (1) of the 1st Criminal Code  Jakarta High Court at the appeal
                                           level which upheld the decision of
                                           the Central Jakarta District Court

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           185                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191