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Tata Kelola

                                                   ORGAN PENDUKUNG DIREKSI
                                             SUPPORTING ORGANS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                Data Pribadi                   Personal data
                                                Warga negara Indonesia         Indonesian citizens
                                                Usia 46 tahun                  46 years old
                                                Kelahiran Bukit Tinggi, 7 Juli 1974  Born in Bukit Tinggi, July 7, 1974
                                                Domisili                       Domicile
                                                Jakarta                        Jakarta
                                                Riwayat Penunjukan             Appointment History
                                                Diangkat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi  Appointed based on the Board of Directors
                                                No. S-28/265/V/HR tanggal 13 Mei 2019  Deed No. S-28/265/V/HR on May 13, 2019
                                                Pendidikan                     Education
                                                Magister Manajemen Investasi, Institut   Master of Investment Management,
                                                Pengembangan Manajemen Indonesia (IPMI)   Indonesian Institute of Management
                                                (2004)                         Development (IPMI) (year of graduation)
                                                Sarjana Ekonomi, Jurusan Akuntansi,   Bachelor of Economics, Department of
                                                Universitas Indonesia (1991)   Accounting, Indonesia University (year of
                    Ade Kusmayadi                                              graduation)

                                                Pengalaman Kerja               Work experience
                  Ketua Divisi Audit Internal   Memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun   Has more than 20 years experience working
                 Periode Jabatan: 2019 - Saat ini  bekerja di fungsi Audit Internal, Manajemen   in the functions of Internal Audit, Risk
                 Head of Internal Audit Division  Risiko & Kepatuhan di Indonesia Capital   Management & Compliance in the Indonesian
                 Term of office: 2019 - Present  Market Self Regulatory Organization (Bursa   Capital Market Self Regulatory Organization
                                                Efek Indonesia), Perusahaan Sekuritas   (Indonesia Stock Exchange), global securities
                                                Global (Royal Bank of Scotland Group), dan   companies (Royal Bank of Scotland Group),
                                                Perusahaan Sekuritas milik negara (Danareksa  and state-owned securities companies
                                                & BRI Group).                  (Danareksa & BRI Group).
                                                Sertifikasi Profesi            Professional Certification
                                                1.  Certificate of the Indonesian Capital Market  1.  Certificate of The Indonesian Capital Market
                                                  Competency Examination for Investment   Competency Examination for Investment
                                                  Manager Representative that are organized   Manager Representative that is organized
                                                  by The Committee for Capital Market   by The Committee for Capital Market
                                                  Professional Standard.        Professional Standard.
                                                2.  Certificate of The Indonesian Capital Market  2.  Certificate of The Indonesian Capital Market
                                                  Competency Examination for Under Writer   Competency Examination for Under Writer
                                                  Representative that are organized by The   Representative that is organized by The
                                                  Committee for Capital Market Professional   Committee for Capital Market Professional
                                                  Standard.                     Standard.
                                                3.  Certificate of Accomplishment of Training   3.  Certificate of Accomplishment of Training
                                                  Program for Investment Professional (TPIP).   Program for Investment Professional (TPIP).
                                                  The Program material and examination   The Program material and examination
                                                  are based on areas tested in the most   are based on areas tested in the most
                                                  recent Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)   recent Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
                                                  examination and reading prescribed by   examination and reading prescribed by
                                                  ICFA.                         ICFA.

            Struktur dan Kedudukan Divisi Audit Internal
            Structure and Position of the Internal Audit Division

            Audit Internal merupakan organ kerja independen yang berada   Internal Audit, an independent work organ, located and reports
            dan bertanggung jawab secara langsung kepada Direktur   directly to the President Director. This unit has direct line of
            Utama. Unit ini memiliki jalur komunikasi langsung  dengan   communication with the Board of Commissioners. In addition,
            Dewan Komisaris. Selain itu, unit ini memiliki akses yang tidak   this unit has unlimited access to all Company activities and is
            terbatas terhadap seluruh aktivitas Perusahaan dan merupakan   a managing partner in realizing the implementation of good
                                                              corporate governance. This unit is chaired by the Head of
            mitra manajemen dalam mewujudkan implementasi tata kelola
                                                              the Internal Audit  Division who is  appointed  and dismissed
            perusahaan yang baik. Unit ini dipimpin oleh Kepala Divisi Audit
      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  Internal yang diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Direktur Utama   by  the President  Director with  the  approval  of the  Board  of
            dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris.

                                                       BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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