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Tata Kelola

                                                   ORGAN PENDUKUNG DIREKSI
                                             SUPPORTING ORGANS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

            Komite Sumber Daya Manusia
            Human Capital Committee

            Hingga akhir tahun 2020, BRIDS belum membentuk Komite   As of the end of 2020, BRIDS has not yet established a Human
            Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Meskipun begitu, BRIDS telah   Capital  (HC)  Committee.  Nevertheless,  BRIDS  has  launched  the
            mencanangkan  kehadiran  komite  ini  yang  dapat  dilihat   presence of this committee which can be seen in the Company’s
            dalam struktur GCG Perusahaan. Ke depan, BRIDS akan   GCG Structure. Going forward, BRIDS is going to consider
            mempertimbangkan untuk membentuk Komite SDM agar dapat   establishing HC Committee to assist the Board of Directors in
            membantu fungsi Direksi dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan   managing and developing talents or HC in the Company so that it
            talenta atau SDM di Perusahaan agar sesuai dengan visi misi   is in line with the Company’s vision and mission.

            Sekretaris Perusahaan
            Corporate Secretary

            Sekretaris Perusahaan memiliki peranan penting dalam   The Corporate Secretary has an important role in facilitating
            memfasilitasi komunikasi antara organ Perusahaan, hubungan   communication among the Company’s organs, the relationship
            antara  Perusahaan  dengan  stakeholders,  dan  kepatuhan   between  the  Company  and  stakeholders,  and  compliance  with
            terhadap perundangan dan peraturan. Sekretaris Perusahaan   laws and regulations. The Corporate Secretary is responsible to
            bertanggung jawab kepada Direksi, dan diangkat/diberhentikan   the Board of Directors and is appointed/dismissed based on the
            berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi dengan persetujuan Dewan   Board of Directors’ decision with the approval of the Board of
            Komisaris.                                        Commissioners.

            Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan
            Profile of the Corporate Secretary

            Berdasarkan  Surat  Keputusan  Dewan  Komisaris  No.  S29-039A-  Based on Decree No. S29-039A-VII-DEKOM on July 14, 2020, the
            VII-DEKOM tanggal 14 Juli 2020, Sekretaris Perusahaan dikepalai   Corporate Secretary is managed by Moh. Burhan Sukarmo
            oleh Moh. Burhan Sukarmo Widodo. Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan   Widodo. The profile of the Corporate Secretary is described as
            diuraikan sebagai berikut:                        follows:

                                                Data Pribadi                   Personal data
                                                Warga negara Indonesia         Indonesian citizens
                                                Usia 45 tahun                  45 years old
                                                Kelahiran Solo, 31 Januari 1976  Born in Solo, January 31, 1976

                                                Domisili                       Domicile
                                                Jakarta                        Jakarta
                                                Riwayat Penunjukan             Appointment History
                                                Diangkat berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan  Appointed based on the Board of
                                                Komisaris No. S29-039A-VII-DEKOM tanggal 14   Commissioners Deed No. S29-039A-VII-DEKOM
                                                Juli 2020                      dat July 14, 2020

                                                Pendidikan                     Education
                                                Sarjana Ekonomi, jurusan Manajemen,   Bachelor of Economics, majoring in
                                                Universitas Trisakti (1999)    Management, Trisakti University (1999)
                                                                               Work experience
                                                Pengalaman Kerja
      Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  Periode Jabatan: 2020 - Saat ini  Bank tahun 2000-2009  Bank 2000-2009
             Moh. Burhan Sukarmo Widodo
                                                Business Development Manager, ABN Amro
                                                                               Business Development Manager, ABN Amro
                                                Contact Center Head, Bank Barclays tahun
                                                                               Contact Center Head, Barclays Bank 2009-2010
                    Sekretaris Perusahaan
                                                                               Retail Distribution Division Head, PT
                                                Retail Distribution Division Head, PT
                                                                               Danareksa Sekuritas in 2010 - July 2020
                                                Danareksa Sekuritas tahun 2010 – Juli 2020
                     Corporate Secretary
                 Term of office: 2020 - Present
                                                       BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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