Page 9 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 9
2022 Integrated Annual Report
Sejalan dengan visi menjadi The Most Valuable Securities In line with the vision of becoming The Most Valuable
House in Indonesia, Perseroan secara proaktif mampu Securities House in Indonesia, the Company was capable
menangkap peluang dan melewati berbagai tantangan of proactively seize the opportunities and overcome
menghadapi era industri 4.0, kondisi perekonomian various challenges by facing the industrial age 4.0, the
dan dinamika industri sekuritas sepanjang tahun 2022. economic conditions and dynamics of the securities
Kemampuan dalam beradaptasi merupakan kunci dalam industry throughout 2022. Adaptability is the key to
mewujudkan keberhasilan dari berbagai program dan the success of the different transformational programs
strategi transformasi yang telah dilaksanakan. Digital and strategies that have been implemented. Digital
Enhancement, BRI Group Synergies, Product Expansion, Enhancement, BRI Group Synergies, Product Expansion,
Internal Reinforcement dan GCG & ESG Implementation Internal Reinforcement and GCG & ESG Implementation
menjadi strategi utama yang diterapkan Perseroan di were the key strategies the Company has implemented
tahun ini. this year.
Pada tahun 2022, Perseroan melakukan peluncuran In 2022, the Company launched a new online trading
aplikasi new online trading system “BRIGHTS” yang system application “BRIGHTS” which is one of the
menjadi salah satu program utama dari strategi digital key programs of the Digital Enhancement and ESG
enhancement dan ESG Implementation. Aplikasi BRIGHTS Implementation strategies. The BRIGHTS application
memiliki sejumlah fitur yang mudah untuk digunakan offers a number of features that are easy to use
(user friendly), reliable serta lebih canggih, sehingga (user-friendly), reliable and more sophisticated to allow
nasabah atau investor dapat melakukan transaksi customers or investors in making transactions or invest
ataupun berinvestasi berbagai macam instrumen in a variety of investment instruments (stocks, mutual
investasi (saham, reksa dana dan obligasi) dalam satu funds and bonds) in a single integrated application. This
aplikasi terpadu. Aplikasi ini menjadi salah satu ujung application is one of the pillars of the Company’s efforts
tombak Perseroan dalam upaya menjaga keberlanjutan to maintain the sustainability and business development,
dan pengembangan bisnis Perseroan, karena diyakini as it is believed to be able to reach potential customers,
dapat menjangkau nasabah potensial, mempermudah facilitate customer transactions and improve efficiency.
transaksi nasabah dan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi.
Perseroan optimis dengan dukungan dan kontribusi With the support and contribution from all stakeholders,
seluruh pemangku kepentingan, ke depan Perseroan moving forward, the Company is confident of meeting
dapat menjawab seluruh tantangan bisnis dan all business challenges and seize the opportunities that
menangkap peluang yang muncul, demi keberlanjutan arise, for the Company’s business continuity. Ultimately,
bisnis Perseroan. Yang pada akhirnya akan menciptakan this will create value and benefits for Shareholders
nilai/manfaat bagi Pemegang saham dan Pemangku and other Stakeholders in the pursuit of sustainable
Kepentingan lainnya dalam mewujudkan pertumbuhan economic growth.
ekonomi berkelanjutan.