Page 89 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 89

          2022 Integrated Annual Report

          Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Level Jabatan (orang)
          Total Employees by Position Level (people)

                                             2022                   2021                   2020
                  Level Jabatan
                  Position Level
                                       Orang     Persentase   Orang    Persentase    Orang    Persentase
                                       People    Percentage   People   Percentage   People    Percentage
           Senior Vice President (SVP)   4          2%          4          2%          4         2%
           Vice President (VP)           19         9%          13         7%         10         6%
           Assistant Vice President (AVP)  35       16%        36         19%         37         22%
           Manager                       39         18%         42        22%         30         18%            PROFILE  COMPANY

           Assistant Manager             58         27%        58         31%         58         34%
           ASC                           57         27%         33        18%         29         17%
           SEC                           2          1%          2          1%          2          1%
           Jumlah Total                 214        100%        188        100%        170       100%

          * BRIDS belum menghitung data jumlah pekerja lain yang bukan pegawai Perusahaan yang pekerjaannya dikendalikan oleh Perusahaan
           [GRI 2-8]
          *BRIDS has not calculated how many other workers are not the Company’s employees whose work is under the control of the Company
           [GRI 2-8]

          Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan (orang)
          Total Employees by Education Level (people)

                                             2022                   2021                   2020
               Tingkat Pendidikan
                 Education Level
                                       Orang     Persentase   Orang    Persentase    Orang    Persentase
                                       People    Percentage   People   Percentage   People    Percentage
           Strata 3 Doctorate            1          0%          1          1%          1          1%
           Strata 2 Master’s Degree      30         14%        29         15%         28         16%
           Strata 1 Bachelor’s Degree   155         72%        136        72%         119        70%
           Diploma                       26         12%        20         11%         21         12%
           < Diploma                     2          1%          2          1%          1          1%
           Jumlah Total                 214        100%        188        100%        170       100%

          Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian (orang)
          Total Employees by Employment Status (people)

                                             2022                   2021                   2020
               Status Kepegawaian
               Employment Status
                                       Orang     Persentase   Orang    Persentase    Orang    Persentase
                                       People    Percentage   People   Percentage   People    Percentage
           Permanen (Tetap)             170         79%        169        90%         152        89%
           Permanent Employee
           Kontrak                       44         21%         19        10%         18         11%
           Non-Permanent Employee
           Jumlah Total                 214        100%        188        100%        170       100%

   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94