Page 303 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 303

The original financial statements included herein are in the
                                                                                              Indonesian language.
                      PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS                         PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS
                    Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan untuk                     As of December 31, 2022 and
                  tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut                   for the year then ended
                       (Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah,                   (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,
                          kecuali dinyatakan lain)                           unless otherwise stated)

              9.  ASET TAKBERWUJUD (lanjutan)                    9.  INTANGIBLE ASSETS (continued)

                 b.  Penyertaan terkait keanggotaan (lanjutan)       b.   Investment   related   to   membership

                     Sesuai  dengan  Persetujuan OJK melalui  surat     In accordance with OJK Approval through letter
                     No.  KSEI-3435/DIR/0922 tanggal 7  September       No.  KSEI-3435/DIR/0922  dated  September  7,
                     2022  dan  berdasarkan  akta  notaris  nomor  9    2022 and based on notarial deed number 9 dated
                     tanggal  24  Agustus  2022  yang  dibuat  oleh     August 24, 2022 made by Notary Fathiah Helmi
                     Notaris Fathiah Helmi S.H. yang telah mendapat     S.H.  which  has  received  approval  from  the
                     persetujuan  Mentri  Hukum  dan  Hak  Asasi        Minister of Law and Human Rights in accordance
                     Manusia  sesuai  dengan  Surat  Keputusan          with Decree No.AHU-AH.01.03-0282982.Tahun
                     No.AHU-AH.01.03-0282982.Tahun     2022             2022  dated  August  25,  2022  concerning
                     tanggal 25 Agustus 2022 mengenai perubahan         changes  to  the  Increase  in  Issued/Paid-up
                     Peningkatan  Modal  Ditempatkan/Disetor  KSEI      Capital  of  ICSD  where  the  nominal  value  of
                     dimana nilai  nominal saham KSEI ditingkatkan      ICSD's shares was increased from Rp5,000,000
                     dari  sebelumnya  sebesar  Rp5.000.000  (nilai     (full  amount)  per  share  to  Rp50,000,000  (full
                     penuh)  per  lembar  saham  menjadi  sebesar       amount) per share. The total issued and paid-up
                     Rp50.000.000 (nilai penuh)  per lembar  saham.     capital of ICSD  was  increased from  previously
                     Jumlah  modal  ditempatkan  dan  disetor  KSEI     Rp375,000,000    (full   amount)    to
                     ditingkatkan  dari  sebelumnya  Rp375.000.000      Rp3,750,000,000 (full amount). The increase in
                     (nilai penuh) menjadi sebesar Rp3.750.000.000      the  par  value  of  the  shares  is  recorded  as
                     (nilai  penuh).  Kenaikan  nilai  nominal  saham   dividend income.
                     tersebut dicatat sebagai pendapatan dividen.

              10. ASET TETAP                                     10. FIXED ASSETS

                                                       31 Desember/December 31, 2022
                                             Saldo awal/                        Saldo akhir/
                                             Beginning  Penambahan/  Pengurangan/  Ending
                                            balance    Additions         Disposals *)  balance
                  Biaya perolehan                                                                  Acquisition cost
                  Renovasi gedung            3.199.059    144.009    (121.500)  3.221.568      Leasehold improvements
                  Peralatan kantor          32.762.301   1.833.990       -     34.596.291          Office equipment
                  Kendaraan                   989.571         -          -       989.571                Vehicles
                 Total biaya perolehan      36.950.931   1.977.999   (121.500)  38.807.430      Total acquisition cost
                  Akumulasi penyusutan                                                        Accumulated depreciation
                  Renovasi gedung            2.214.949    366.250        -      2.581.199       Leasehold Improvement
                  Peralatan kantor          19.035.625   4.114.671   (119.813)  23.030.483         Office equipment
                  Kendaraan                   989.571         -          -       989.571                Vehicles
                  Total akumulasi penyusutan  22.240.145  4.480.921  (119.813)  26.601.253  Total accumulated depreciation
                  Nilai buku                14.710.786                         12.206.177           Net book value

                                                       31 Desember/December 31, 2021
                                             Saldo awal/                        Saldo akhir/
                                             Beginning  Penambahan/  Pengurangan/  Ending
                                            balance    Additions         Disposals *)  balance
                  Biaya perolehan                                                                  Acquisition cost
                  Renovasi gedung            3.155.246    43.813         -      3.199.059      Leasehold improvements
                  Peralatan kantor          21.776.577  10.985.724       -     32.762.301          Office equipment
                  Kendaraan                   989.571         -          -       989.571                Vehicles
                 Total biaya perolehan      25.921.394  11.029.537       -     36.950.931       Total acquisition cost

                  Akumulasi penyusutan                                                        Accumulated depreciation
                  Renovasi gedung            1.929.386    285.563        -      2.214.949       Leasehold Improvement
                  Peralatan kantor          16.335.322   2.700.303       -     19.035.625          Office equipment
                  Kendaraan                   989.571         -          -       989.571                Vehicles
                 Total akumulasi penyusutan  19.254.279  2.985.866       -     22.240.145  Total accumulated depreciation
                  Nilai buku                 6.667.115                         14.710.786           Net book value

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