Page 238 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 238

The original report included herein is in
                                                                                              the Indonesian language.

               Laporan Auditor Independen                          Independent Auditors’ Report

               Laporan  No.    00431/2.1032/AU.1/09/1681-          Report   No.   00431/2.1032/AU.1/09/1681-
               2/1/III/2023                                        2/1/III/2023

               Pemegang      Saham,     Dewan     Komisaris,       The   Shareholders   and   the   Boards   of
               dan Direksi                                         Commissioners and Directors

               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas                          PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
               Kami  telah mengaudit  laporan keuangan PT  BRI     We  have  audited  the  accompanying  financial
               Danareksa  Sekuritas  (“Perusahaan”)  terlampir,    statements  of  PT  BRI  Danareksa  Sekuritas  (the
               yang terdiri dari laporan posisi keuangan tanggal   “Company”),  which  comprise  the  statement  of
               31 Desember 2022, serta laporan laba rugi dan       financial position as of December 31, 2022, and
               penghasilan    komprehensif   lain,   laporan       the  statement  of  profit  or  loss  and  other
               perubahan  ekuitas,  dan  laporan  arus  kas  untuk  comprehensive income, statement of changes in
               tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut, serta    equity, and statement of cash flows for the year
               catatan atas laporan keuangan, termasuk ikhtisar    then ended, and notes to the financial statements,
               kebijakan akuntansi signifikan.                     including  a  summary  of  significant  accounting

               Menurut opini kami, laporan keuangan terlampir      In  our  opinion,  the  accompanying  financial
               menyajikan secara wajar, dalam semua hal yang       statements present fairly, in all material respects,
               material,  posisi  keuangan  Perusahaan  tanggal    the  financial  position  of  the  Company  as  of
               31 Desember 2022, serta  kinerja keuangan dan       December   31,   2022,    and   its   financial
               arus  kasnya  untuk  tahun  yang  berakhir  pada    performance  and  cash  flows  for  the  year  then
               tanggal  tersebut,  sesuai   dengan   Standar       ended,  in  accordance  with  Indonesian  Financial
               Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia.                    Accounting Standards.

               Basis opini                                        Basis for opinion

               Kami  melaksanakan  audit  kami  berdasarkan        We  conducted  our  audit  in  accordance  with
               Standar  Audit  yang  ditetapkan  oleh  Institut    Standards  on  Auditing  established  by  the
               Akuntan  Publik  Indonesia  (“IAPI”).  Tanggung     Indonesian   Institute   of   Certified   Public
               jawab  kami  menurut  standar  tersebut  diuraikan  Accountants (“IICPA”). Our responsibilities under
               lebih  lanjut  dalam  paragraf  Tanggung  Jawab     those  standards  are  further  described  in  the
               Auditor  terhadap  Audit  atas  Laporan  Keuangan   Auditor’s  Responsibilities  for  the  Audit  of  the
               pada  laporan  kami.  Kami  independen  terhadap    Financial Statements paragraph of our report. We
               Perusahaan  berdasarkan  ketentuan  etika  yang     are  independent  of  the  Company  in  accordance
               relevan dalam audit kami atas laporan keuangan      with the ethical requirements relevant to our audit
               di Indonesia, dan kami telah memenuhi tanggung      of the financial  statements in Indonesia, and we
               jawab  etika  lainnya  berdasarkan  ketentuan       have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in
               tersebut. Kami yakin bahwa bukti audit yang telah   accordance  with  such  requirements.  We  believe
               kami  peroleh  adalah  cukup  dan  tepat  untuk     that  the  audit  evidence  we  have  obtained  is
               menyediakan suatu basis bagi opini kami.            sufficient and appropriate to  provide a  basis  for
                                                                   our opinion.

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