Page 235 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 235

The original financial statements included herein are in the
                                                                                                Indonesian language.
                      PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS                          PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS
                           LAPORAN KEUANGAN                                  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                       TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2022                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2022
                    DAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR                        AND FOR THE YEAR THEN ENDED
                        PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT                         WITH INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT

                              Daftar Isi                 Halaman/                Table of Contents

             Surat Pernyataan Direksi                                                       Directors’ Statement

             Laporan Auditor Independen                                              Independent Auditors’ Report
             Laporan Posisi Keuangan ..............................................   1 - 2   .................................. Statement of Financial Position

             Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan                                     Statement of Profit or Loss and
                Komprehensif Lain .................................................   3 - 4   .............................Other Comprehensive Income

             Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas ..........................................    5    ................................. Statement of Changes in Equity
             Laporan Arus Kas .........................................................   6 - 7   ...........................................Statement of Cash Flows

             Catatan Atas Laporan Keuangan ...................................   8 - 122  ..............................Notes to the Financial Statements

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