Page 163 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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          2022 Integrated Annual Report

          4.  Terkait Penugasan Khusus Dewan Komisaris:    4.  Concerning the Special  duties of the Board of
            a.  Melaksanakan penugasan  khusus dari  Dewan   a.  Performing  special  duties  from the Board  of
               Komisaris, yang mencakup tetapi tidak terbatas pada   Commissioners,  which include,  but  are  not limited
               pemeriksaan  terhadap  dugaan  adanya  kesalahan   to,  the  examination  of allegations  of errors  in  the
               dalam keputusan Direksi atau penyimpangan dalam   Board  of Directors decisions  or  irregularities  in
               pelaksanaan hasil keputusan Direksi;            the implementation of the decisions results of the
                                                               Board of Directors;
            b.  Pelaksanaan  tugas  khusus Komite  Audit  dan   b.  The  implementation  of  special  duties  of  the Audit
               Pemantau  Manajemen  Risiko antara  lain dapat   and Risk Oversight Committee, among others,
               dilakukan  melalui  review  terhadap  semua     can be conducted through a review of all required
               pencatatan,  dokumen,  rekaman,  dan  informasi   files,  documents,  records  and  other  necessary
               lainnya  yang  diperlukan,  termasuk  notulen  rapat   information,  including  the  minutes  of  the
               Direksi  dan Dewan Komisaris.  Komite  juga dapat   meetings  of the Board  of Directors  and  the Board
               mengajukan  pertanyaan  kepada  manajemen  dan   of Commissioners.  In addition,  the  committee
               jika dianggap  perlu   Komite  Audit dan Pemantau   may  direct  questions to the management  and  if
               Manajemen  Risiko  dapat  melakukan  audit      deemed  necessary,  the Audit  and Risk  Oversight
               investigatif  yang  pelaksanaannya  bekerjasama   Committee may conduct an investigative audit, the
               dengan auditor internal atau auditor eksternal.   implementation of which is in collaboration with the   GOVERNANCE  CORPORATE
                                                               internal auditor or external auditor.
            c.  Komite Audit dan  Pemantau  Manajemen  Risiko   c.  The Audit  and Risk  Oversight Committee  is
               harus menyampaikan  laporan  pelaksanaan  tugas   responsible  for reporting  to the Board of
               khusus kepada Dewan Komisaris.                  Commissioners on  the implementation  of  special
          5.  Terkait  Penyusunan  Program  Kerja  Tahunan  Dewan   5.  Concerning  the  Preparation  of the  Annual  Work
            Komisaris,  Komite  Audit  dan  Pemantau  Manajemen   Program  of the Board  of Commissioners,  the  Audit
            Risiko membantu Dewan Komisaris menyusun program   and  Risk Oversight Committee  assist  the Board  of
            kerja  tahunan Dewan  Komisaris dan  dimasukan  ke   Commissioners in preparing the annual work program
            dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan.     of the  Board  of Commissioners and  include  it  in  the
                                                             Company’s Work Plan and Budget.


          Sesuai  Peraturan  Otoritas  Jasa  Keuangan  No. 55/  According to the Financial Services Authority Regulation
          POJK.04/2015  tentang  Pembentukan  dan Pedoman   No. 55/POJK.04/2015  concerning  the Establishment  and
          Pelaksanaan  Kerja  Komite  Audit, saat  ini Komite  Audit   Work Implementation  Guidelines of Audit  Committee,
          dan  Pemantau  Manajemen  Risiko terdiri  dari  3 (tiga)   currently,  the Audit and Risk Oversight Committee
          orang  anggota yang berasal  dari  Komisaris  Independen   composed  of 3 (three)  members  from Independent
          dan Pihak dari luar Perusahaan Publik yang diangkat dan   Commissioner  and Parties  from outside  the Public
          diberhentikan  oleh  Dewan  Komisaris.  Komite  Audit dan   Company  who  are  appointed  and discharged  by the
          Pemantau  Manajemen  Risiko diketuai  oleh  Komisaris   Board of Commissioners. The Audit  and Risk Oversight
          Independen,  yaitu  Bapak  Sumihar  Manullang yang   Committee  is chaired  by Mr. Sumihar Manullang  who  is
          ditetapkan  dan  diangkat  berdasarkan  Keputusan  Dewan   currently  serves  as an  Independent  Commissioner  and
          Komisaris.                                       was appointed pursuant to the Decision of the Board of

          Susunan  dan  komposisi keanggotaan  Komite  Audit dan   In  2022,  the structure  and membership  composition of
          Pemantau Manajemen Risiko pada tahun 2022 mengalami   the Audit  and  Risk  Oversight Committee  has changed
          perubahan.  Hal ini dikarenakan adanya  pemberhentian   due  to  the  dismissal  of Mr.  Soehandjono  as  a  member
          Bapak  Soehandjono sebagai  anggota Dewan  Komisaris   of the  Board  of Commissioners  as  well as  a  member  of
          sekaligus anggota Komite Audit dan Pemantau Manajemen   the  Audit  and  Risk  Oversight Committee.  Therefore,  the   PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS
          Risiko. Dengan demikian susunan dan komposisi Komite   structure and composition of the Audit and Risk Oversight   2022 Integrated Annual Report
          Audit dan Pemantau Manajemen Risiko per 31 Desember    Committee as of December 31, 2022 is as follows:
          2022 adalah sebagai berikut:

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