Page 81 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Profil Perusahaan

                    Jenis Pelatihan                                                              Penyelenggara
              No.                                            Program
                   Type of Training                                                                Organizer
              20  Soft Skill      Motivation Session                                            BRIDS
              21  Technical Skill  Pelatihan Pencegahan Pendanaan Proliferasi Senjata Pemusnah Massal bagi   OJK
                                  Penyedia Jasa Keuangan
                                  Training on Prevention of Funding for the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
                                  Destruction for Financial Service Providers
              22  Technical Skill  Pelatihan Sistem e-IPO e-IPO System Training                 PT BEI
              23  Technical Skill  Peluang dan Tantangan Pasar Modal di Era Digital             OJK
                                  Capital Market Opportunities and Challenges in the Digital Era
              24  Technical Skill  Peluang, Tantangan, dan Peranan OJK dalam Penerapan Teknologi Informasi di   OJK
                                  Industri Keuangan Non-Bank
                                  Opportunities, Challenges, and the Role of OJK in the Application of Information
                                  Technology in the Non-Bank Financial Industry
              25  Technical Skill  Pencegahan Pendanaan Proliferasi Senjata Pemusnah Massal     PPATK
                                  Prevention of Funding for the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
              26  Technical Skill  Pencegahan Penyuapan melalui Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan   OJK
                                  (SMAP) berbasis SNI ISO 37001 dan Pemaparan Surat Edaran KPK tentang
                                  Pengendalian Gratifikasi terkait Industri Jasa Keuangan
                                  Prevention of Bribery through the Implementation of an Anti-Bribery
                                  Management System (SMAP) based on SNI ISO 37001 and Exposure to KPK
                                  Circular Letters on Gratification Control related to the Financial Services Industry
              27  Soft Skill      Pendidikan Culture Leader & Culture Agent Metode New Way of Learning   BRI
                                  Modular Tahun 2021
                                  Culture Leader & Culture Agent Education New Way of Learning Modular Method
                                  in 2021
              28  Soft Skill      Pendidikan Culture Leader & Culture Agent Metode New Way of Learning   BRI
                                  Modular Tahun 2021
                                  Culture Leader & Culture Agent Education New Way of Learning Modular Method
                                  in 2021
              29  Technical Skill  Pendidikan Spesial Request Kewajiban Pelaporan dan Pemenuhan Data   BRI
                                  Informasi kepada Regulator
                                  Special Education Request for Reporting Obligations and Fulfillment of
                                  Information Data to Regulators
              30  Technical Skill  Penguatan Peran Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Compliance Officer Anggota   PT BEI
                                  Bursa dalam Penerapan Program APU PPT
                                  Strengthening the Roles of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and
                                  Compliance Officers of Exchange Members in the Implementation of the AML/
                                  CFT Program
              31  Technical Skill  Photography                                                  JSP
              32  Technical Skill  PPL Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris                              APEI
                                  Continuing Education Program for BOD & BOC
              33  Technical Skill  PPL WPEE                                                     TICMI
              34  Technical Skill  Sertifikasi Kompetensi Menuju BRILian Tangguh dan Tumbuh     BRI
                                  Competency Certification Towards a Resilient and Growing BRILian

            Laporan Tahunan 2021                           80
            PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86