Page 80 - AR BRIDS 2021 - FINAL - HIRES - 2903
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Company Profile

            Pengembangan Kompetensi Berdasarkan Level Jabatan Tahun 2021
            Competency Development Based on Position Level in 2021

                    Jenis Pelatihan                                                              Penyelenggara
              No.                                            Program
                   Type of Training                                                                Organizer
              1   Technical Skill  Awareness SNI ISO 37001 Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan Dan Sharing   OJK
                                  Pengalaman Implementasi SMAP Pada Sektor Jasa Keuangan
                                  Awareness SNI ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System and Sharing
                                  Experience of SMAP Implementation in the Financial Services Sector
              2   Technical Skill  Basic Technical Analysis & Implementation in Bond Market     PHEI
              3   Technical Skill  Bedah Buku “The Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning   OJK
                                  Inequality, and an Inflation Revival”
                                  Book Review “The Great Demographic Reversal: Aging Societies, Waning
                                  Inequality, and an Inflation Revival”
              4   Technical Skill  Bijak Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal Bagi Investor Pemula       OJK
                                  Investing Wisely in the Capital Market for Beginner Investors
              5   Technical Skill  Bond Market Analysis                                         PHEI
              6   Soft Skill      Brilian Specialist Development Program Batch 3                BRI
              7   Technical Skill  Broker Dealer Training                                       Bina Insan
              8   Technical Skill  Cegah Gratifikasi Untuk BRI yang Berintegritas               BRI
                                  Prevent Gratification for BRI with Integrity
              9   Technical Skill  Culinary Course                                              Arvindo Privat
                                                                                                Culinary Course
              10  Technical Skill  Dampak Pandemi terhadap Perekonomian dan Sistem Keuangan, serta Peran   OJK
                                  OJK dalam Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional
                                  The Impact of the Pandemic on the Economy and Financial System, and the Role
                                  of OJK in National Economic Recovery
              11  Technical Skill  Global Development in Digital Finance                        OJK
              12  Technical Skill  Kesiapan SDM SJK Menyongsong Tahun 2022                      OJK
                                  Readiness of SJK HR for 2022
              13  Technical Skill  Kupas Tuntas RUU Cipta Kerja Klaster Ketenagakerjaan         LPP-SDM
                                  Completely Review the Employment Cluster Job Creation Bill    Indonesia
              14  Soft Skill      Leadership Under Uncertainties                                OJK
              15  Technical Skill  Market Conduct di Sektor Jasa Keuangan                       OJK
                                  Market Conduct in the Financial Services Sector
              16  Technical Skill  Masa Depan Bank Digital di Indonesia                         OJK
                                  The Future of Digital Banks in Indonesia
              17  Technical Skill  Mendorong Literasi dan Perlindungan Konsumen SJK di Era Digital  OJK
                                  Encouraging Literacy and Protection of FSS Consumers in the Digital Era
              18  Soft Skill      Menjaga Hati yang Gembira di Tengah Pandemi                   OJK
                                  Keeping a Happy Heart in the Middle of a Pandemic
              19  Soft Skill      Menjaga Mental Health dalam Kondisi Pandemi                   BRIDS (dan BRI
                                  Maintaining Mental Health in a Pandemic Condition             Life)

                                                                                                 Annual Report 2021
                                                           79                                PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85