Page 91 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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                                                                                          Highlight 2020

                                                     TINJAUAN KEUANGAN
                                                       FINANCIAL REVIEW

                                                                     Kenaikan (Penurunan) Increase (Decrease)
                                  Uraian                        2020         2019    Selisih Difference
                                Description                    (Rp-Ribu)   (Rp-Ribu)    (Rp-Ribu)   %
                                                              (Rp-Thousands)   (Rp-Thousands)   (Rp-Thousands)
             Kustodi Custody                                               357.191,29              274.023,00   83.168,29   30%  
             Lain-lain Other                                           1.474.830,24           1.420.983,00   53.847,24   4%  
             Total Beban Usaha Total Operating Expenses          383.693.730,53    308.295.981,47   75.397.749,06   24%  

            Pada 31 Desember 2020, jumlah beban usaha BRIDS  tercatat sebesar   As of December 31, 2020, BRIDS’s total operating expenses were
            Rp383.694 juta, naik Rp75.398 juta atau 24% dibandingkan dengan   recorded at Rp383,694 million, an increase of Rp75,398 million
            tahun 2019 sebesar Rp308.295 juta. Peningkatan beban usaha   or 21% compared to 2019 which amounted to Rp308,295 million.
            Perusahaan pada tahun 2020 dipengaruhi oleh adanya pembukuan   The increase in the Company’s operating expenses in 2020 was
            Cadangan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai (CKPN), peningkatan biaya   influenced  by  the  bookkeeping  of  Allowance  for  Impairment
            jasa penasihat keuangan, dan peningkatan pada saldo penyusutan   Losses  (CKPN),  an  increase  in  the  cost  of  financial  advisory
            akibat implementasi dari PSAK 73 tentang sewa.    services, and an increase in the depreciation balance due to the
                                                              implementation of PSAK 73 concerning leases.

            Laba (Rugi) Usaha
            Operating Income (Loss)

            Laba (rugi) usaha adalah laba kotor atau pendapatan usaha   Operating profit (loss) is the gross profit or operating income less
            dikurangi  oleh  beban  atas  usaha  tersebut.  Laba  (rugi)  usaha   expenses on the business. The Company’s operating profit (loss)
            Perusahaan tercatat sebesar Rp(143.697) juta dengan Operating   was  recorded  at  Rp(143,697)  million  with  an  Operating  Profit
            Profit Margin (OPM) (60)%. Pencapaian laba (rugi) usaha tersebut   Margin (OPM) of (60)%. The business profit (loss) was a decrease
            mengalami penurunan Rp37.361 juta atau 35% dari laba (rugi)   of Rp37,361 million or 35% of the previous year’s operating profit
            usaha tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp(106.336) juta dan Operating   (loss)  which  was  Rp(106,336)  million  and  the  Operating  Profit
            Profit Margin (OPM) (53)%. Penurunan ini didorong oleh adanya   Margin (OPM) was (53)%. This decline is driven by an increase in
            peningkatan biaya operasional BRIDS pada tahun 2020.  BRIDS operating costs in 2020.

            Pendapatan (Beban) Lain- Lain
            Other Income (Expenses)

            Realisasi Pendapatan (Beban) Lain-lain neto pada 31 Desember   As of December  31, 2020, net  other income was realized  at
            2020  adalah  sebesar  Rp(26.812)  juta,  meningkat  Rp18.524  juta   Rp(26,812) million, increased by Rp18,524 million or 223%
            atau  223%  dibandingkan  tahun  2019  sebesar  Rp(8.289)  juta.   compared to 2019 which was Rp(8,289) million. This increase was
            Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh koreksi pajak.  mainly due to tax corrections.

            Rugi Sebelum Beban Pajak
            Loss Before Tax Expenses

            Rugi  sebelum  beban  pajak  merupakan  rugi  bersih  sebelum   Loss before tax expense represents net loss before deducting tax
            dikurangi  beban  pajak.  Di  tahun  2020,  tercatat  rugi  sebelum   expense. In 2020, there was a recorded loss before tax expense
            beban pajak sebesar Rp(170.510) juta dan marjin laba sebelum   of  Rp(170,510)    million  and  a  profit  margin  before  tax  expense
            beban pajak (71)%. Rugi sebelum beban pajak mengalami   (71)%. Loss before tax expense increased by Rp55,885 million or
            peningkatan sebesar Rp55.885 juta atau 49% dari rugi sebesar   49% from a loss of Rp114,625 million in 2019 with a profit margin
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020
            Rp(114.625) juta di tahun 2019 dengan marjin laba sebelum beban   before tax expense of (57)%.
            pajak sebesar (57)%.                                                                                    PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas

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