Page 67 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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                                        DEMOGRAFI KARYAWAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI
                                          EMPLOYEE DEMOGRAPHY AND COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT

            digelar  secara  berkala  agar  senantiasa  mampu  menghasilkan   always be able to produce professional, competent, and highly
            karyawan-karyawan  yang  profesional,  kompeten,  dan  berdaya   competitive employees, especially in facing the dynamics of the
            saing kuat terutama dalam menghadapi dinamika pasar sekuritas   securities market in the current era of digitalization.
            di tengah era digitalisasi saat ini.

            BRIDS  selalu  memperhatikan  dan  mengakomodir  feedback   The Company always considers and accommodates feedback and
            dan  kebutuhan  pengembangan  bisnis  di  masing-masing  divisi.   business  development  needs  in  each  division.  For  this
            Untuk itu, sepanjang tahun 2020, BRIDS telah menyelenggarakan   reason,  in2020,  BRIDS  has  organized  training  and  competency
            program-program  pelatihan  dan  pengembangan  kompetensi   development  programs  for  employees  with  a  total  investment
            karyawan dengan total biaya investasi mencapai Rp238.455.522.   cost of Rp238,455,522. The following is the description:
            Berikut uraiannya:

            Pengembangan Kompetensi Berdasarkan Level Jabatan Tahun 2020
            Competency Development Based on Position Level in 2020

                                 Nama Pelatihan                Level Jabatan  Jenis Pelatihan  Penyelenggara
                                  Training Name               Participant Level  Type of Training  Organizers
                                                               Semua jabatan
              1  PPL WPPE Online                               All Positions  Technical Skill    TICMI
              2  Financial Modeling for Sensitivity & Scenario Analysis   Officer  Technical Skill  Deloitte
              3  PPL WPPE                                      Semua jabatan   Technical Skill  PROPAMI
                                                               All Positions
              4  Redhat                                          Officer     Technical Skill  PT. Integrasi Data Nusantara
              5  Best Practice Financial Modeling]               Officer     Technical Skill    Deloitte
              6  Audit                                        Head of Division  Technical Skill  BRI
                                                               Semua jabatan
              7  PPL WPPE                                                    Technical Skill    PROPAMI
                                                               All Positions
              8  Industrial testing system e-IPO re: Industrial Testing  Semua jabatan   Technical Skill  KSEI
                                                               All Positions
                                                               Semua jabatan
              9  Data Analysis and Reporting with Excel                      Technical Skill     GNV
                                                               All Positions
              10  PPL Dirkom PPL for BOD & BOC                               Technical Skill     APEI
                 Tata Cara serta Kelengkapan Pelaporan SPT melalui e-filing                    Kemenkeu
              11  Procedures and Completeness of SPT Reporting through e-filing  Officer  Technical Skill  Ministry of Finance
                                                               Semua jabatan
              12  Best Practice/Principles for Strategic Management          Technical Skill     BRI
                                                               All Positions
              13  Advanced Financial Analysis and Management   Semua jabatan   Technical Skill  Riverstone
                                                               All Positions
              14  Purchasing Management                          Officer     Technical Skill     PPM
              15  Conference Keep CALMS and Do Devops            Officer       Other       BRI - Devops Indonesia
                 Penggunaan Office 365 dan Fitur Teams BRI Group   Semua jabatan
              16  Use of Office 365 and BRI Group Teams Features  All Positions  Technical Skill  BRI
                 Pelatihan/Sertifikasi Coach & Mentor          Semua jabatan
              17                                                              Soft Skill         BRI
                 Coach & Mentor Training/Certification         All Positions
              18  WPEE Waiver Online                             Officer     Technical Skill     TICMI
              19  WPEE Waiver Online                             Officer     Technical Skill     TICMI
                 Workshop Pelatihan MKBD Batch II              Semua jabatan
              20                                                             Technical Skill     BEI
                 Batch II MKBD Training Workshop               All Positions
                 PPL WPPE Terobosan Pemikiran Dalam Berinvestasi Selama
                 Pandemi Covid-19                              Semua jabatan
              21  PPL WPPE Thinking Breakthrough in Investing During the Covid-19   All Positions  Technical Skill  PROPAMI
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020
                 Pandemic                                                                                           PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas

              BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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