Page 91 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 91

Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Level Jabatan (orang)
            Number of Employees by Position Level (people)

                                                     2023                  2022                 2021
                       Level Jabatan
                       Position Level          Orang        %        Orang       %        Orang        %
                                               People               People                People
             Senior Vice President               4         2%          4         2%         4         2%
             Vice President                      24        10%        19         9%         13        7%
             Assistant Vice President            41        16%        35         16%        36        19%
             Manager                             41        16%        39         18%        42        22%
             Assistant Manager                   76        30%        58        27%         58        31%
             Area Sales Coordinator              62        25%        57        27%         33        18%
             Securities and Exchange Commission  3         1%          2         1%         2         1%
             Jumlah Total                       251       100%        214       100%       188       100%

            *  BRIDS belum menghitung data jumlah pekerja lain yang bukan pegawai   *  BRIDS has not calculated data on the number of non-employee workers,
              Perusahaan yang pekerjaannya dikendalikan oleh Perusahaan. [GRI 2-8]  but whose work is overseen by the Company. [GRI 2-8]

            Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Rentang Usia (orang)
            Number of Employees by Age (people)

                                                     2023                  2022                 2021
                       Rentang Usia
                        Age Range              Orang        %        Orang       %        Orang        %
                                               People               People                People
             > 51 above 51                       26        10%        20         9%         15        8%
             46-50                               31        12%        31         14%        32        17%
             41-45                               18        7%         16         7%         24        13%
             36-40                               34        14%        31         14%        23        12%
             31-35                               41        16%        32         15%        25        13%
             25-30                               62        25%        49        23%         46        24%
             < 25 under 25                       39        16%        35         16%        23        12%
             Jumlah Total                       251       100%        214       100%       188       100%

            Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan (orang)
            Number of Employees by Educational Level (people)

                                                     2023                  2022                 2021
                     Tingkat Pendidikan
                      Educational Level        Orang        %        Orang       %        Orang        %
                                               People               People                People
             Strata 3 Doctoral Degree            1         0%          1         0%         1         1%
             Strata 2 Master Degree              35        14%        30         14%        29        15%
             Strata 1 Bachelor Degree           183        73%        155       72%         136       72%
             Diploma Diploma                     31        12%        26         12%        20        11%
             < Diploma under Diploma             1         0%          2         1%         2         1%
             Jumlah Total                       251       100%        214       100%       188       100%

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  91  Integrated Annual Report 2023
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96