Page 4 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 4
Grafik Materialitas
Chart of Materiality
[GRI 3-2]
Low Medium High
3 5 6 High
Significant to the Stakeholders Berpengaruh Terhadap Pemangku Kepentingan 4 2 Medium
Berpengaruh Terhadap Perseroan
Significant to the Company
1. Kinerja Ekonomi 4. Energi 6. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
Economic Performance Energy Education and Training
2. Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung 5. Kepegawaian 7. Masyarakat Lokal
Indirect Economic Impact Employment Local Community
3. Keberadaan Pasar
Market Presence
Seluruh topik material yang disajikan dalam laporan ini All material topics presented in this report cover all aspects
mencakup seluruh aspek keberlanjutan yang dijalankan of sustainability carried out by the Company. In particular
Perusahaan. Khusus untuk topik kinerja ekonomi yakni for the topic of economic performance, namely financial
data-data keuangan, diperoleh dari Laporan Keuangan data, obtained from the Financial Statements which have
yang telah diaudit oleh auditor independen yang been audited by independent auditors and signed by the
ditandatangani oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. Mention
Penyebutan satuan mata uang “Rupiah”, “Rp” atau IDR of currency units such as "Rupiah", "Rp" or IDR refers to
merujuk pada mata uang resmi Republik Indonesia, the official currency of the Republic of Indonesia, while
sedangkan "USD" merujuk pada mata uang resmi Amerika "USD" refers to the official currency of the United States of
Serikat. [GRI 2-2] America. [GRI 2-2]
Dalam laporan ini tidak terdapat perubahan signifikan There have been no significant changes, however, there
namun terdapat penyajian ulang informasi (restatement) are restatements of information, including economic
diantaranya yaitu tabel kinerja ekonomi, penggunaan dan performance tables, energy use and intensity. in this
intensitas energi. [GRI 2-4, 3-2] report. [GRI 2-4, 3-2]
PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 4 Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2023