Page 344 - BRIDS IAR 2023_hires
P. 344

The original financial statements included herein are in the
                                                                                              Indonesian language.
                      PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS                         PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS
                    Tanggal 31 Desember 2023 dan untuk                     As of December 31, 2023 and
                  tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut                   for the year then ended
                       (Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah,                   (Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,
                          kecuali dinyatakan lain)                           unless otherwise stated)

              10. ASET TETAP (lanjutan)                          10.  FIXED ASSETS (continued)

                                                       31 Desember/December 31, 2022
                                             Saldo awal/                        Saldo akhir/
                                             Beginning  Penambahan/  Pengurangan/  Ending
                                            balance    Additions         Disposals *)  balance
                  Biaya perolehan                                                                  Acquisition cost
                  Renovasi gedung            3.199.059    144.009    (121.500)  3.221.568      Leasehold improvements
                  Peralatan kantor          32.762.301   1.833.990       -     34.596.291           Office equipment
                  Kendaraan                   989.571         -          -       989.571                Vehicles
                 Total biaya perolehan      36.950.931   1.977.999   (121.500)  38.807.430      Total acquisition cost

                  Akumulasi penyusutan                                                        Accumulated depreciation
                  Renovasi gedung            2.214.949    366.250        -      2.581.199       Leasehold Improvement
                  Peralatan kantor          19.035.625   4.114.671   (119.813)  23.030.483          Office equipment
                  Kendaraan                   989.571         -          -       989.571                Vehicles
                  Total akumulasi penyusutan  22.240.145  4.480.921  (119.813)  26.601.253  Total accumulated depreciation
                  Nilai buku                14.710.786                         12.206.177           Net book value

                  *)     Termasuk reklasifikasi                    *)  Including the reclassification
                 Aset  tetap  Perusahaan  berupa  kendaraan,  telah  The Company’s fixed assets in form of vehicles are
                 diasuransikan  kepada  PT  Raksa  Pratikara  untuk  insured with PT Raksa Pratikara for the years 2022
                 tahun 2022 dengan nilai pertanggungan Rp487.000.    amounting to Rp487,000.
                 Manajemen     berpendapat    bahwa    nilai         Management believes that the insurance coverage
                 pertanggungan  tersebut  cukup  untuk  menutup      is sufficient to cover any possible losses that may
                 kemungkinan  kerugian  yang  timbul  dari  risiko   arise from such risks.

                 Nilai  tercatat  aset  tetap  yang  telah  disusutkan  The carrying value of fixed assets that have been
                 penuh,  namun  masih  digunakan  oleh  Perusahaan   fully depreciated but still in use by the Company as
                 adalah masing-masing sebesar Rp20.552.526 dan       of  December  31,  2023  and  2022,  amounted  to
                 Rp20.364.227 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2023 dan      Rp20,552,526  and  Rp20,364,227,  respectively
                 2022 (tidak diaudit).                               (unaudited).
                 Manajemen Perusahaan berpendapat tidak terdapat     The Company’s management believes that there is
                 indikasi adanya penurunan nilai atas aset tetap yang  no  indication  of  impairment  value  of  fixed  asset
                 dimiliki oleh Perusahaan.                           owned by the Company.

              11. ASET HAK GUNA                                  11. RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS
                                                       31 Desember/December 31, 2023
                                             Saldo awal/                        Saldo akhir/
                                             Beginning  Penambahan/  Pengurangan/  Ending
                                            balance    Additions  Disposals   balance
                  Aset hak guna                                                                   Right-of-use assets
                  Gedung                    28.260.174   6.107.332   (262.320)  34.105.186               Building
                      Kendaraan              2.094.213   4.582.602   (503.919)  6.172.896               Vehicles
                  Peralatan                       -           -          -           -                 Equipment
                 Total biaya perolehan      30.354.387  10.689.934   (766.239)  40.278.082      Total acquisition cost

                  Akumulasi penyusutan                                                        Accumulated depreciation
                  Gedung                    17.743.500   8.256.595   (268.986)  25.731.109      Building Acquisition cost
                  Kendaraan                   770.578    1.432.084   (182.015)  2.020.647               Vehicles
                  Peralatan                       -           -          -           -                 Equipment
                  Total akumulasi penyusutan  18.514.078  9.688.679  (451.001)  27.751.756  Total accumulated depreciation
                   Nilai buku               11.840.309                         12.526.326           Net book value

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