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Indeks Konten GRI Standards

            GRI Standards Content Index

              penggunaan       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas telah melaporkan informasi yang dikutip dalam indeks konten GRI
              Statement of use  untuk periode 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2023 dengan merujuk kepada GRI Standards
                               PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas has reported the information cited in the GRI content index for the
                               period January 1 - December 31, 2023, with reference to the GRI Standards.

              GRI 1 yang
              digunakan        GRI 1: Landasan 2021
              GRI 1 used       GRI 1: Fondasi 2021

                                                         Pengungkapan                              Halaman
               GRI Standards
                                                           Disclosure                                Page
                                            Pengungkapan Umum General Disclosure
             GRI 2            Organisasi dan praktik pelaporan The organization and its reporting practices
             Pengungkapan      GRI 2-1  Rincian organisasi Organizational details                  60, 96, 100
             Umum 2021
             General Disclosure   GRI 2-2  Entitas yang dimasukkan dalam pelaporan keberlanjutan organisasi  3, 4
             2021                      Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting
                               GRI 2-3  Periode, frekuensi, dan titik kontak pelaporan               2, 5
                                       Reporting period, frequency and contact point
                               GRI 2-4  Penyajian kembali informasi Restatements of information       4
                               GRI 2-5  Penjaminan eksternal External assurance                       3
                              Organisasi dan praktik pelaporan The organization and its reporting practices
                               GRI 2-6  Aktivitas, rantai nilai, dan hubungan bisnis lainnya      60, 61, 67, 72,
                                       Activities, value chain and other business relationships     100, 231
                               GRI 2-7  Tenaga kerja Employees                                        90
                               GRI 2-8  Pekerja yang bukan pekerja langsung Workers who are not employees  90
                              Tata Kelola Governance
                               GRI 2-9  Struktur dan komposisi tata kelola Governance structure and composition  70, 149
                               GRI 2-10  Pencalonan dan pemilihan badan tata kelola tertinggi      157, 165, 172
                                       Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
                               GRI 2-11  Ketua badan tata kelola tertinggi Chair of the highest governance body  150, 151
                               GRI 2-12  Peran badan tata kelola tertinggi dalam mengawasi manajemen dampak  176, 179, 182,
                                       Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of   202, 206, 207
                               GRI 2-13  Delegasi tanggung jawab untuk mengelola dampak            202, 204
                                       Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
                               GRI 2-14  Peran badan tata kelola tertinggi dalam pelaporan keberlanjutan  150
                                       Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting
                               GRI 2-15  Konflik kepentingan Conflicts of interest                   174
                               GRI 2-16  Komunikasi masalah penting Communication of critical concerns  207, 217
                               GRI 2-17  Pengetahuan kolektif badan tata kelola tertinggi             93
                                       Collective knowledge of the highest governance body
                               GRI 2-18  Evaluasi kinerja badan tata kelola tertinggi               162, 171
                                       Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
                               GRI 2-19  Kebijakan remunerasi Remuneration policies                  172
                               GRI 2-20  Proses untuk menentukan remunerasi                          173
                                       Process to determine remuneration
                               GRI 2-21  Rasio kompensasi total tahunan Annual total compensation ratio  -

                                       PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  265  Integrated Annual Report 2023
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