Page 81 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
P. 81

          2022 Integrated Annual Report

          There was a change in composition of the Company’s Board of Directors in 2022. The chronology of changes to the
          Board of Directors is available in the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Chapter.

        LAKSONO WIDITO                                          Tahun 2022-RUPS tahun 2025, Periode ke-1        PROFILE  COMPANY
                                                                                    Periode Jabatan:
        DIREKTUR UTAMA                                                                Term of Office:
        PRESIDENT DIRECTOR                                                  2022 – 2025 GMS, 1  Period

        Warga  Negara  Indonesia,  kelahiran  Bandung,  29   Indonesian Citizen who was born in Bandung, August
        Agustus 1965 berdomisili di Jakarta.           29, 1965. Resides in Jakarta.

        Laksono Widito diangkat  sebagai Direktur  Utama   Laksono Widito serves  as President  Director
        berdasarkan  Akta No.  76  tanggal  18  November   based  on Deed No. 76 dated  November  18,
        2022  dan telah  memperoleh  Surat  Persetujuan  OJK    2022,  and has received  FSA  Approval Letter
        No. S-940/PM.21/2022 tanggal 26  Oktober 2022.  No. S-940/PM.21/2022  on October  26,  2022.

        Beliau  memperoleh  gelar  Master  of Business   He holds Master  of Business Administration  from
        Administration  dari   University  of  Hawaii  at Manoa   University  of  Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu  (1992) and
        Honolulu  (1992) dan gelar Sarjana  Akutansi dari   Bachelor of  Accounting degree from University  of
        Universitas Indonesia (1989).                  Indonesia (1989).

        Pengalaman  kerja  yang pernah  beliau  jabat  di   He  has several  work  experiences,  including  SEVP
        antaranya  adalah sebagai  SEVP Retail  PT BRI   Retail  of PT  BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  (2022);
        Danareksa  Sekuritas  (2022); sebagai  Direktur   Director  of Trading and  Membership  of PT  Bursa
        Perdagangan & Pengaturan Anggota Bursa PT Bursa   Efek Indonesia  (2018-2022);   Managing  Director  of
        Efek Indonesia (2018-2022);  sebagai  Managing   PT Mandiri Sekuritas (2011-2018); President Director of
        Director  PT Mandiri  Sekuritas  (2011-2018);  sebagai   PT  RBS  Asia  Securities  Indonesia  (2010-
        President Director PT RBS Asia Securities Indonesia   2011);  Director,  Head  of  Equities  of
        (2010-2011);  sebagai  Director,  Head  of Equities    PT  Mandiri  Sekuritas  (2006-2008);  and
        PT  Mandiri  Sekuritas  (2006-2008);  dan  sebagai   Director,  Head  of  Equity  Research  of
        Director,  Head  of  Equity  Research PT Macquarie   PT Macquarie  Securities  Indonesia  (2004-2006).
        Securities  Indonesia  (2004-2006).  Beliau tidak   He has no concurrent positions in the Company nor
        memiliki  rangkap  jabatan  di  Perusahaan  dan   other companies.
        perusahaan lain.

        Beliau  tidak  memiliki  hubungan  afiliasi  dengan   President  Director  has  no  affiliation  with  other
        anggota Direksi  lainnya,  anggota Dewan  Komisaris,   members of the Board of Commissioners, the Board
        maupun  dengan Pemegang  Saham  Utama  dan     of  Directors,  nor with the Major and Controlling
        Pengendali.                                    Shareholders.

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