Page 227 - AR BRIDS 2022 - EBOOK - FINAL
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Pengungkapan                            Halaman
             GRI Standards
                                                         Disclosure                               Page
                              GRI 2-8  Pekerja yang bukan pekerja langsung                        87
                                      Workers who are not employees
                            Tata Kelola Governance
                              GRI 2-9  Struktur dan komposisi tata kelola                        70, 139
                                      Governance structure and composition
                             GRI 2-10  Pencalonan dan pemilihan badan tata kelola tertinggi       159
                                      Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
                             GRI 2-11  Ketua badan tata kelola tertinggi                          140
                                      Chair of the highest governance body
                             GRI 2-12  Peran badan tata kelola tertinggi dalam mengawasi manajemen   140
                                      Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of
                             GRI 2-13  Delegasi tanggung jawab untuk mengelola dampak             140
                                      Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
                             GRI 2-14  Peran badan tata kelola tertinggi dalam pelaporan keberlanjutan  140
                                      Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting
                             GRI 2-15  Konflik kepentingan                                        157
                                      Conflicts of interest
                             GRI 2-16  Komunikasi masalah penting                                 190
                                      Communication of critical concerns
                             GRI 2-17  Pengetahuan kolektif badan tata kelola tertinggi          88, 89,
                                      Collective knowledge of the highest governance body         195
                             GRI 2-18  Evaluasi kinerja badan tata kelola tertinggi               156            APPENDIX
                                      Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
                             GRI 2-19  Kebijakan remunerasi Remuneration policies                 159
                             GRI 2-20  Proses untuk menentukan remunerasi                         159
                                      Process to determine remuneration
                             GRI 2-21  Rasio kompensasi total tahunan                             159
                                      Annual total compensation ratio
                            Strategi, kebijakan, dan praktik Strategy, policies and practices
                             GRI 2-22  Pernyataan tentang strategi pembangunan berkelanjutan       41
                                      Statement on sustainable development strategy
                             GRI 2-23  Komitmen kebijakan Policy commitments                    50, 64, 65,
                             GRI 2-24  Menanamkan komitmen kebijakan                              50
                                      Embedding policy commitments
                             GRI 2-25  Proses untuk memperbaiki dampak negatif                   50, 190
                                      Processes to remediate negative impacts
                             GRI 2-26  Mekanisme untuk mencari nasihat dan mengemukakan masalah   190
                                      Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns
                             GRI 2-27  Kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan peraturan                   184, 185,
                                      Compliance with laws and regulations                        202
                             GRI 2-28  Keanggotaan asosiasi Membership associations               100
                            Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan  Stakeholder engagement
                             GRI 2-29  Pendekatan untuk keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan         190
                                      Approach to stakeholder engagement
                             GRI 2-30  Perjanjian perundingan kolektif                            209
                                      Collective bargaining agreements
                                              Topik Material  Material Topic
           GRI 3:             GRI 3-1  Proses untuk menentukan topik material                      2
           Topik Material 2021        Process to determine material topics
           Material Topics 2021  GRI 3-2  Daftar topik material                                   3, 4
                                      List of material topics                                                     2022 Integrated Annual Report  PT BRI DANAREKSA SEKURITAS

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