Page 57 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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            Hingga akhir tahun 2020, BRIDS masih belum memiliki Komisaris   As  of  the  end  of  2020,  BRIDS  had  no  President  Commissioner.
            Utama.  Penetapan  Komisaris  Utama  di  tahun  2020  masih   The appointment of the President Commissioner in 2020 is still
            menunggu  proses  pengangkatan  oleh  RUPS.  Meski  demikian,   awaiting  the  appointment  process  by  the  GMS.  However,    the
            fungsi dan tugas Komisaris Utama telah dilakukan oleh Dewan   current  Board  of  Commissioners  had  performed  the  functions
            Komisaris  yang  ada  saat  ini.  Adapun  profil  Dewan  Komisaris   and  duties  of  the  President  Commissioner.  The  profile  of  the
            BRIDS adalah sebagai berikut:                     Board of Commissioners is as follows:

                                                                                       Data Pribadi Personal data
                                                                          Warga negara Indonesia | Indonesian citizens
                                                                                       Usia 77 tahun | 77 years old
                                                                Kelahiran Malang, 17 Mei 1943 | Born in Malang, May 17, 1943

                                                                                              Domisili Domicile

                                                                            Riwayat Penunjukan Appointment History
                                                        Akta Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris No. 141 tanggal 26 November 2019
                                                      Board of Commissioners Appointment Deed No. 141 on November 26, 2019
                    SOEHANDJONO                                                            Pendidikan Education
                                                                        Sarjana Hukum dari Universitas Airlangga, (1966)
               Komisaris Commissioner                                   Bachelor of Law from Airlangga University, (1966)
              Periode Period: 2019 – 2022 (ke-1) (1 )
                                                                                Pengalaman Kerja Pengalaman Kerja
                                                                             Komisaris Independen PT NKE (2012-2019)
                                                                             Komisaris Independen PT DGI (2007-2012)
                                                                        Komisaris Independen PT Elnusa Tbk (2009-2011)
                                                                 Komisaris Independen PT Danareksa (Persero) (2004-2009)
                                                                             Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia (1967-1999)
                                                                       Independent Commissioner of PT NKE (2012-2019)
                                                                       Independent Commissioner of PT DGI (2007-2012)
                                                                  Independent Commissioner of PT Elnusa Tbk (2009-2011)
                                                           Independent Commissioner of PT Danareksa (Persero) (2004-2009)
                                                            Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia (1967-1999)
                                                                                Rangkap Jabatan Concurrent Position
                                                                       Hingga Desember 2020, Bapak Soehandjono tidak
                                                                          memiliki rangkap jabatan di perusahaan lain
                                                                         As of December 2020, Mr. Soehandjono had no
                                                                             concurrent positions at other companies

                                                                                      Hubungan Afiliasi Affiliation
                                                                    Sampai dengan akhir 2020, Bapak Soehandjono tidak
                                                                      memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan
                                                                     Komisaris lainnya, anggota Direksi, maupun dengan
                                                                             Pemegang Saham Utama dan Pengendali
                                                                         As of the end of 2020, Mr. Soehandjono had no
                                                                         affiliation with other members of the Board of
                                                                   Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or
                                                                           with the Major and Controlling Shareholders

                                                                                   Kepemilikan Saham Perusahaan
                                                                                  Shares Ownership of the Company
                                                                   Hingga tahun 2020, Bapak Soehandjono tidak memiliki
                                                                                saham di BRIDS dan perusahaan lain
                                                                     As of 2020, Mr. Soehandjono had no shares in BRIDS
                                                                                           and other companies
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas

              BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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