Page 173 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
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Corporate Social

                                               TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN
                                                 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

                                 Sosialisasi dan Literasi Kantor Cabang BRIDS
                                         Sosialisasi dan Literasi Kantor Cabang BRIDS

              BRIDS melakukan literasi pengenalan pasar modal hingga ke   BRIDS carries out literacy in introducing the capital market
              daerah kantor cabang BRIDS yang tersebar di berbagai kota   to  BRIDS  offices  scattered  in  various  cities  in  Indonesia,
              di  Indonesia,  bekerja  sama  dengan  IDX  maupun  OJK  kepada   in collaboration with IDX and OJK to the wider community,
              masyarakat luas, calon nasabah,  existing investor, ASN,   potential  customers, existing  investors, ASN,  students,
              mahasiswa, komunitas, dan lainnya. Selain sebagai literasi,   communities, and others. Apart from being literacy, this
              kegiatan ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan  brand   activity is also expected to increase BRIDS brand awareness,
              awareness BRIDS, meningkatkan jumlah akuisisi nasabah,   increase the number of customer acquisitions, and increase
              serta menambah trading value seperti analisa teknikal dasar,   trading value such as basic technical analysis, fundamentals
              fundamental dan psikologi trading seiring meningkatnya   and trading psychology in line with the increasing ability of
              kemampuan nasabah dalam mengelola portofolio.   customers in managing portfolios.

                                        Sosialisasi Produk SBN/SBSN Ritel
                                             Sosialisasi Produk SBN/SBSN Ritel

              Sebagai salah satu mitra distribusi dari produk Surat Berharga   As  one  of  the  distribution partners  of  State  Securities  (SBN)
              Negara  (SBN) dan Surat  Berharga  Syariah  Negara Ritel (SBSN   and Retail State Sharia Securities (SBSN Retail), BRIDS held
              Ritel), BRIDS menyelenggarakan sosialisasi produk SBN dan   a socialization for Retail SBN  and  SBSN products  as well as
              SBSN Ritel serta edukasi pengelolaan keuangan negara bersama   education on state financial management with the Ministry of
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020
              DJPPR Kemenkeu Republik Indonesia. Kegiatan ini ditujukan   Finance’s of Republic of Indonesia DJPPR. This activity is aimed
              untuk nasabah, komunitas dan masyarakat umum agar dapat   at customers, the community and the general public in order to   PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
              meningkatkan basis investor ritel SBN/SBSN ritel di BRIDS.  increase the retail investor base for SBN / SBSN retail at BRIDS.

              BRI Danareksa Sekuritas  |   @BRIDanareksa  |   @bridanareksa  |   BRI Danareksa Sekuritas
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