Page 128 - AR BRIDS 2020 - 1204 - FULL
P. 128
Tata Kelola
Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
Rapat Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners Meeting
Dewan Komisaris wajib mengadakan rapat paling kurang 1 (satu) The Board of Commissioners is required to hold meeting at least
kali dalam 2 (dua) bulan dengan dihadiri oleh mayoritas dari 1 (one) time in 2 (two) months attended by majority of all the
seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris. Adapun agenda yang dibahas Board of Commissioners members. The agenda discussed in the
dalam rapat internal Dewan Komisaris adalah membahas hal-hal internal meeting of the Board of Commissioners is to discuss
yang berkaitan dengan kinerja Perusahaan. matters related to the Company’s performance.
Sepanjang tahun 2020, Dewan Komisaris telah mengadakan rapat In 2020, the Board of Commissioners held 22 meetings. The
sebanyak 22 kali. Berikut rekapitulasi dan agenda Rapat Dewan recapitulation and agenda of the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris. Meeting are as follow.
Agenda dan Rekapitulasi Tingkat Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris pada Rapat Dewan Komisaris
Agenda and Recapitulation of Attendance Level of the Board of Commissioners at the Board of Commissioners Meeting
Tanggal Kehadiran
No. Agenda
Date Attendance
1 24 Februari 2020 Laporan pengawasan Dewan Komisaris tahun 2019 dan Komite Audit Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
February 24, 2020 2019 supervisory report of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
2 10 Maret 2020 Pembentukan Komite Audit; RUPS; Laporan rutin Perusahaan dan Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
March 10, 2020 penunjukan jabatan anggota Direksi Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
Establishment of Audit Committee; GMS; the Company routine reports and
appointments of the Board of Directors members
3 17 Maret 2020 Audit plan 2020; Pemilihan Akuntan Publik dan Rekonsiliasi 2019 Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
March 17, 2020 Audit plan 2020; Public Accountant Selection and Reconciliation 2019 Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
4 7 April 2020 Kesiapan calon KAP untuk tahun buku 2020 dan Fraud yang pernah terjadi Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
April 7, 2020 The readiness of PAF candidates for the fiscal year 2020 and the occurred Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
5 25 Juni 2020 Perkembangan penyelesaian piutang bermasalah Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
June 25, 2020 Non-performing receivable settlement development Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
6 2 Juli 2020 Monitoring rencana tindak lanjut dan rekomendasi temuan Q1 tahun Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
July 2, 2020 2020; Progress audit KAP dan internal control 2020; Hasil Joint Audit IT BRI; Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
Pengembangan Perusahaan yang mengarah ke ritel; Strategi RCM pada Q3
dan Q4 2020
Monitoring of Follow-up Plans and Recommendations for Findings on
Q1/2020; FAP audit progress and internal control 2020; Results of the BRI
IT Joint Audit; the Company development that leads to retail; RCM strategy
in Q3 and Q4 of 2020
7 28 Juli 2020 Laporan evaluasi KAP tahun 2019; Piagam Audit BRIDS; Penunjukan KAP EY Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
July 28, 2020 FAP evaluation report for 2019; BRIDS Audit Charter; Appointment of EY Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
8 4 Agustus 2020 Cascading KPI dan Subordinasi Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
August 4, 2020 Cascading KPIs and Subordination Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
9 6 Agustus 2020 Task force; Monitoring bidang Corsec dan business strategy; dan KPI Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
August 6, 2020 Taskforce; Corsec monitoring and business strategy; and KPIs Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
10 11 Agustus 2020 Wawancara, hasil penilaian dan keputusan perihal calon anggota Komite Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
August 11, 2020
Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
Audit dan Pemantau Manajemen Risiko
Interviews, results of assessments, and decisions regarding prospective
Laporan Tahunan 2020 PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas 11 13 Agustus 2020 members of the Audit Committee and Risk Management Monitoring Dihadiri seluruh Dewan Komisaris
Pedoman dan tata tertib Dekom; Honorarium calon anggota Komite Audit
August 13, 2020
dan Pemantau Manajemen Risiko
Attended by all the Board of Commissioners
Guidelines and regulations issued by the Board of Commissioners;
Honorarium for candidates for the Audit Committee and Risk Management
Monitoring Committee
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