release 2022-11-18

Information on Changes in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners & Directors of BRI

President Commissioner & President Director

Dear PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas Stakeholders,

We hereby inform you that based on the Decision of the Shareholders of PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (the “Company”) dated November 15, 2022, there has been a change in the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as stated in Deed Number 76 dated November 18, 2022 drawn up before Jose Dima Satria, SH., Notary in Jakarta and has received a Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Changes in Company Data from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM) of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-AH 01.09-0077675 dated November 18, 2022, as follows:

  1. Approved the resignation of Mr. RICO RIZAL BUDIDARMO from his position as President Commissioner effective as of November 15, 2022.

The Company would like to thank all the contributions of the energy and thoughts of Mrs. Rico Rizal Budidarmo during their tenure in these positions.

Subsequently, the General Meeting of Shareholders appointed Mr. ACHMAD ROYADI as President Commissioner and Mr. LAKSONO WIDODO as President Director. Thus, effective as of November 18, 2022, the composition of the Company's management will be as follows:

  • President Commissioner      : ACHMAD ROYADI
  • Commissioner                      : R. MUHAMMAD IRWAN
  • Independent Commissioner : SUMIHAR MANULLANG
  • President Director                 : LAKSONO WIDODO
  • Director                                 : HENDRA HERMAWAN
  • Director                                 : KEVIN PRIAHARYAWAN

Thus, we convey this notification, thank you for your attention and cooperation.
