release 2024-09-09

Partnering with Kadit Clash of Champions, BRI Danareksa Securities and SMF Hold Investment

InvesTalk with Kadit COC Download

Jakarta, September 9, 2024 – BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (BRIDS) together with PT Sarana Multigriya Infrastruktur (Persero) or SMF held an Investalk Vol. 7 event with the theme "Become Next Gen Investors For Better Future" at Saka Bistro & Bar, Bandung City, which aims to inspire the young generation of Indonesia to better understand the importance of investment in creating a better future.

According to data from PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI), the number of investors in the Indonesian capital market as of June 2024 recorded a Single Investor Identification (SID) growth of 13 million, an increase of around 14% compared to the same period in the previous year, which was 11 million. When viewed based on demographics, Indonesia is still dominated by investors aged 30-40 years or millennials to gen-z with a percentage of 80%.

In her written statement, TBRIDS Retail & Information Technology Director Fifi Virgantria said that the Company is aware of the great potential for capital market literacy and inclusion among millennials and gen z, supported by KSEI statistical data, and reflected in the number of millennials and gen z in the Company's customer data which has reached more than 50%.

"We hope that Kadit's presence at this event can certainly be a magnet in increasing interest and motivating millennial and gen Z friends to start learning to understand the importance of long-term financial planning and to invest early on, for a brighter and more sustainable future," said Fifi.

In addition, this event was also attended by Primasari Setyaningrum, Corporate Secretary of SMF, who is known as Tyan. On this occasion, Tyan discussed the importance of early financial planning, introduced various investment instruments, and introduced EBA Ritel investment products that can be accessed through the BRIGHTS by BRI Danareksa Sekuritas application.

At the Investalk Vol. 7, BRIDS and SMF provide interactive sessions where participants can ask questions directly to experts and inspiring young figures, and interact with fellow participants who share the same interests. This event is an ideal platform for the younger generation to deepen their knowledge of investment, understand market strategies, and prepare themselves to become smarter and more resilient investors in the future.

"This event is also a form of the Company's commitment to support the National Financial Intelligence Movement (GENCARKAN) program initiated by the Government through the Financial Services Authority, which aims to increase the synergy of the implementation of financial literacy and inclusion activities carried out by all financial service institutions," concluded Fifi.
