BRIDS Work Meeting 2025: Building A Dynamic Growth Engine, Fueling Success Within

Starting 2025, BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (BRIDS) held the 2025 Work Meeting agenda with the Board of Commissioners, Directors, Division Heads, Deputy Division Heads and Heads of the Company's Departments to align the Company's vision and targets for 2025.
This Work Meeting carries the theme "Building Dynamic Growth Engine, Fueling Success Within" which emphasizes the Company's commitment to being more innovative, resilient and dynamic in adapting to market changes, being able to navigate challenges and seize new opportunities to achieve success.
The event began with a Welcome and Direction by Mr. Achmad Royadi as the President Commissioner of BRIDS and Mr. Laksono Widodo as the President Director of BRIDS. Next, continued with the presentation of Market Outlook 2025 by BRIDS Chief Economist Mr. Helmy Kristanto to enrich the insight of the Company's Management in implementing the Company's strategy during 2025.
BRI's Consumer Business Director and BRIDS Director of Management Mrs. Handayani was also present to give a Keynote Speech and explain the aspirations and long-term strategies of the BRI Group. Mrs. Handayani said that BRI is committed to supporting and increasing the role of Subsidiaries in the growth of the Group, in order to achieve the long-term vision of the BRI Group to become "The Most Trusted Lifetime Financial Partner for Sustainable Growth".
As one of the main agendas, the presentation of the Long-Term Work Plan (RJPP) and the Company's Annual Work Plan was also delivered by the Board of Directors to the BRIDS Senior Leaders. This aims to align the Company's vision and targets for 2025, as well as to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the Company's business plan in the future.
The 2025 BRIDS Working Meeting event was closed with the agenda of Signing the Company's Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Commitment for 2025. The signing of the KPI was carried out by all Directors and Heads of the Company's Divisions as a form of commitment in carrying out the Company's targets in 2025, in order to support the achievement of the Company's vision to become The Most Preferred Securities House in Indonesia.