BRI Danareksa Sekuritas Provides Scholarships to Outstanding Students in Indonesia

Jakarta, October 21, 2024 – BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (“BRIDS”) in collaboration with Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, BRIDS Peduli provides scholarships of around IDR 100 million to 10 outstanding State University (PTN) students with limited economic conditions in several cities throughout Indonesia.
The CSR activity is the result of collaboration with Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE), a national scholarship institution that continues to strive to expand decent education for the nation's children with cash assistance to students every month, to cover living expenses and cover the cost of college needs of students during a period of one academic year.
BRIDS President Director Laksono Widodo said that the scholarship cooperation is one form of the Company's Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) through the sustainability scholarship program and supports the expansion of access to education in Indonesia and is expected to provide benefits for the younger generation to be able to experience a higher quality level of education.
"We congratulate the 10 selected students. We believe that education is an investment that is beneficial for the future of every individual. We have been working on this program since 2023 with the hope that in the second year it can increase its contribution in building a better quality education for children in Indonesia. The existence of this program is a form of company support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) with the aim of providing and expanding quality education for the nation's children."
Executive Chairman of the KSE Foundation Marsangap P. Tamba said that "The collaboration with BRIDS has been established since 2023. BRIDS' contribution to the world of education is in line with KSE's vision and mission to make KSE scholarship recipients graduates who have integrity, professionalism and love for the country and nation. We express our deepest gratitude for the synergy that has been established so far with Karya Salemba Empat. We hope that BRIDS will continue to be committed and provide hope to students in achieving a better future"
A student of the Faculty of Economics & Business, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (Untirta) Banten, Iif Abdi Munif as one of the recipients of the BRIDS Peduli program scholarship said, "I feel grateful to be selected to receive scholarship assistance from BRIDS. This scholarship really helps me to do my studies well. Thank you BRIDS, I am determined to graduate well in order to achieve my dreams and aspirations.”
To note, this activity is one form of the Company's commitment to implementing Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL), by continuing to participate in programs that support the implementation of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles promoted by the Government, to achieve sustainable development for Indonesia.