BEI Collaborates with BBRI and BRIDS to Increase Capital Market Literacy and Inclusion

Jakarta 24 October 2023 – In an effort to encourage capital market literacy and inclusion throughout Indonesia, various financial and investment education activities or programs in the capital market are continuously carried out. PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) this time is collaborating with PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (BRIDS) as well as PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Code: BBRI) to collaborate to increase capital market literacy and inclusion. This collaboration is outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding on Collaboration on Financial and Capital Market Education and Literacy for the BBRI Ecosystem which was signed by the three parties on Tuesday (24/10) at the BEI Main Hall. The signing was carried out by BEI Directors Jeffrey Hendrik and Irvan Susandy, BRI Consumer Business Director Handayani, and BRIDS Main Director Laksono Widodo. This strategic collaboration is part of BEI's commitment to increase public knowledge and understanding regarding investment in the capital market.
The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is even more meaningful because it was carried out in line with the Financial Inclusion Month in October 2023. Also present at the event and witnessing the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding were OJK's Chief Executive of Financial Services Business Conduct, Education and Consumer Protection, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, and President Director IDX Iman Rachman.
"This Memorandum of Understanding is a commitment to synergy and collaboration in implementing education and investment activities in the capital market by BEI and BRIDS for workers, customers and all stakeholders who are part of the BBRI ecosystem," said BEI President Director Iman Rachman. It is hoped that this will also help parties involved in the BBRI ecosystem to manage their finances better and start investing in legal places, one of which is the Indonesian capital market.
BRI has more than 120 thousand employees, more than 70 million customers, and more than 698 thousand BRILink agents spread throughout Indonesia, this has tremendous potential for BEI and BRIDS to be able to spread the spirit of financial management and investing in the capital market to Indonesian society. Through 29 Representative Offices and 847 Investment Galleries spread across Indonesia, BEI together with BRIDS are ready to support various educational programs to increase literacy and inclusion, especially through the BBRI ecosystem.
BRI Consumer Business Director Handayani said, "BRI is fully committed to carrying out financial education and literacy activities, both for all parties who are members of the BRI Group ecosystem and the wider community. This aims to support the development of the Indonesian capital market, as well as to support the achievement of the vision BRI Group becomes The Most Valuable Banking Group in Southeast Asia and Champion of Financial Inclusion."
"This collaboration is a form of the Company's commitment and support, both to provide added value to all Indonesian investors, to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the BRI Group and BRI Danareksa, as well as to support increased capital market financial literacy. Of course, this collaboration can support an increase in volume and transactions in the Indonesian capital market," said President Director of BRIDS Laksono Widodo.
As of September 2023, the number of capital market investors has reached 11.7 million and has increased significantly by 633% compared to 2018 of only 1.6 million investors. This shows the opportunities and challenges for the Indonesian capital market to continue to develop. With more than 890 listed companies and a variety of investment products, people have wider choices for investing in the Indonesian capital market.