release 2024-08-16

Answering Traders' Needs in the Capital Market, BRIDS Launches BRIGHTS Easy Desktop

BRIGHTS Easy Desktop Download

Jakarta, August 14, 2024 – BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (BRIDS) today officially launched the latest mode of the Company's online trading platform BRIGHTS, namely BRIGHTS Easy Desktop version to answer the needs of novice and professional traders with a simpler, fresher and more sophisticated appearance, located at the BRI Building, Jakarta.

Quoted from PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI), the number of investors in the Indonesian capital market as of June 2024 recorded a Single Investor Identification (SID) growth of 13 million, up around 14% compared to the same period the previous year at 11 million. When viewed from a demographic perspective, Indonesian investors are still dominated by investors aged under 30-40 years or from the millennial and gen-z generations, with a percentage of around 80%.

Taking the data into consideration, BRIDS President Director Laksono Widodo in his speech stated that the presence of the desktop version of BRIGHTS Easy is expected to further enrich the access and flexibility of capital market traders, which are dominated by the millennial and gen-z generations, in maximizing their portfolios.

"Of course, we also target the launch of the Desktop version of BRIGHTS Easy to contribute positively to the Company's online brokerage performance in the future, both to the growth of customer acquisition, and to the increase in the number of daily transactions by 20%," said Laksono.

In line with Laksono, BRIDS Retail & Information Technology Director Fifi Virgantria added that the development of the desktop version of BRIGHTS Easy was carried out to answer the needs and provide easy access for novice traders, increase the variety of transaction channels for customers, and provide an easy, simple, fast and flexible transaction experience. All of that can of course be obtained from just one platform, namely BRIGHTS Easy.

"Not only does it offer a platform that can be accessed on a PC or computer, but it also offers superior features such as Custom Workspace, Easy Space, Fast Order, Trader Space, Multi Screen, Power Buy/Sell, Shortcut Button, Advance Chart, and many other advanced features that can certainly make newbie traders become real traders," Fifi explained in her presentation.

In the future, as a form of extensification of the launch of the Desktop version of BRIGHTS Easy, the Company will also hold a promo program through Trading Competition, conduct a massive campaign through social media and marketing channels owned by the Company, and of course continue to carry out ongoing education relying on our 50 distribution networks spread throughout Indonesia.
